NOTE: this page is outdated, and will be updated soon!
This list is a comprehensive index of the overall best attackers for each and every type in Pokemon Go at the time of its current edition. If you're looking for a Pokemon to fill a niche within a specific type, then this resource is sure to lead you in the right direction.
The Pokemon on this page are listed by type in descending order of power. The primary metric used to decide their placement is ER. This metric puts a heavy emphasis on DPS, but also takes into consideration TDO in order to attempt to discover the strongest overall performance of a given Pokemon when compared to others. Because of the way that this metric works, the Pokemon here are not always ordered according to which has the highest DPS. It's entirely possible that the highest DPS option may show up 2nd or 3rd within a type if its bulk is low enough. That said, our list is also manually ordered to a certain degree in order to highlight the Pokemon in roughly the order of actual utility. It's also possible that Pokemon not listed on this page could potentially find utility in future raids, but rest assured that the Pokemon near the top of these lists are exemplary candidates for their given types.
If you'd like to see how these Pokemon rank yourself, we recommend that you take a look at the Comprehensive DPS/TDO Spreadsheet , which is what we've used to make these calculations.
Included within every section are "Rival Types". These are the types that are also super effective against the types that each given type is Super Effective against. This can make it a bit easier at a glance to see what types have the best overall matchups.
One of the weakest types in Pokemon Go, Bug tends to be a low-priority when it comes to raiding teams. Its main problem is the fact that it competes with a few extremely powerful types, leaving it outclassed when it doesn't have 2x effectiveness. In general, raising a Bug Type team is less for the sake of utility and more for the prestige of completing teams for every type.
Typing Bug/Fighting Best Moveset Struggle Bug + Megahorn Strengths Bug, Dark, Fighting, Grasss, Ground Weaknesses Flying (2x), Fairy, Fire, Psychic
Typing Bug/Fighting Best Moveset Bug Bite + Bug Buzz Strengths Fighting, Ground, Bug, Grass, Dark Weaknesses Flying (2x), Flying, Psychic, Fairy, Fire
Typing Bug/Fire Best Moveset Bug Bite + Bug Buzz Strengths Grass (2x), Fairy, Fighting, Bug, Ice, Steel Weaknesses Rock (2x), Flying, Water
Typing Bug Best Moveset Fury Cutter + X-Scissor Strengths Fighting, Grass, Ground Weaknesses Fire, Flying, Rock
Typing Flying/Bug Best Moveset Bug Bite + X-Scissor Strengths Fighting, Ground, Bug, Grass Weaknesses Rock (2x), Flying, Fire, Ice, Electric
Typing Bug/Steel Best Moveset Fury Cutter + X-Scissor Strengths Normal, Grass, Ice, Poison, Psychic, Bug, Dragon, Steel, Fairy Weaknesses Fire (2x)
Typing Bug/Steel Best Moveset Fury Cutter + X-Scissor Strengths Normal, Grass, Ice, Poison, Psychic, Bug, Dragon, Steel, Fairy Weaknesses Fire (2x)
NOTE: all Genesect formes count here. chevron-right
Typing Bug /Electric Best Moveset Bug Bite + X-Scissor Strengths Electric, Grass, Fighting, Steel Weaknesses Fire, Rock
Typing Bug Best Moveset Infestation + Bug Buzz Strengths Fighting, Grass, Ground Weaknesses Fire, Flying, Rock
Typing Bug/Steel Best Moveset Bug Bite + Strengths Grass (2x), Poison (2x), Bug, Dragon, Fairy, Ice, Normal, Psychic, Steel Weaknesses Fire (2x), Megahorn
Dark Type has the advantage of dealing Super Effective damage to two of the most powerful types in the game, making it a great choice for many raid teams. And while it was the once-and-former "runner up" type, the introduction of Brutal Swing on a few of the stronger Dark Type attackers turned the game on its head and made it an oppressive type. It's not called for extremely often, but when it is, Dark is a top pick.
Typing Dark/Rock Best Moveset Bite + Brutal Swing Strengths Normal, Fire, Poison, Flying, Psychic, Ghost, Dark Weaknesses Fighting (2x),Water, Grass, Ground, Bug, Steel, Fairy
Typing Dark/Rock Best Moveset Bite + Brutal Swing Strengths Normal, Fire, Poison, Flying, Psychic, Ghost, Dark Weaknesses Fighting (2x),Water, Grass, Ground, Bug, Steel, Fairy
Typing Dark/Fire Best Moveset Snarl + Foul Play Strengths Psychic (2x), Dark, Fire, Ghost, Grass, Ice, Steel Weakneses Fighting, Ground, Rock, Water
Typing Dark/Rock Best Moveset Bite + Brutal Swing Strengths Normal, Fire, Poison, Flying, Psychic, Ghost, Dark Weaknesses Fighting (2x),Water, Grass, Ground, Bug, Steel, Fairy
Typing Dark/Dragonite Best Moveset Bite + Brutal Swing Strengths Fire, Water, Electric, Grass, Psychic, Ghost, Dark Weaknesses Fairy (2x), Fighting, Ice, Bug, Dragon
Typing Dark/Ice Best Moveset Snarl + Foul Play Strengths Ice, Ghost, Dark Weaknesses Fighting(2x), Fire, Bug, Rock, Steel, Fiary
Typing Dark Best Moveset Snarl + Dark Pulse Strengths Dark, Ghost, Psychic Weaknesses Bug, Fighting, Fiary
Typing Dark/Water Best Moveset Bite + Crunch Strengths Psychic, Dark, Fire, Ghost, Ice, Steel, Water Weaknesses Bug, Electric, Fairy, Fighting, Grass
Typing Dark/Flying Best Moveset Snarl + Dark Pulse Strengths Grass, Ground, Psychic, Ghost, Dark Weaknesses Electric, Ice, Rock, Fairy
Typing Dark/Fire Best Moveset Snarl + Foul Play Strengths Psychic (2x), Dark, Fire, Ghost, Grass, Ice, Steel Weaknesses Fighting, Ground, Rock, Water
Dragon is among the most potent types in the game, and the go-to type when it comes to slaying other dragons. Every raid team should have a full set of powerful dragons ready to go, as literally every generation beyond Generation 2 has at least one Legendary Dragon, with many sporting multiple. They compete with Ice and Fairy which take neutral damage from and double-resist incoming Dragon Type attacks respectively, but neither can keep up with the tremendous DPS that Dragon Types can leverage against their own kind.
Typing Dragon/Ground Best Moveset Dragon Tail + Outrage Strengths Electric (3x), Fire, Poison, Rock Weaknesses Ice (2x), Dragon, Fairy
Typing Dragon/Ground Best Moveset Dragon Tail + Outrage Strengths Electric (3x), Fire, Poison, Rock Weaknesses Ice (2x), Dragon, Fairy
Typing Dragon/Water Best Moveset Dragon Tail + Spacial Rend Strengths Fire (2x), Water (2x), Steel Weaknesses Dragon, Fairy
Typing Dragon/Steel Best Moveset Dragon Breath + Roar of Time Strengths Grass (2x), Poison (2x), Bug, Electric, Flying, Normal, Psychic, Rock, Steel, Water Weaknesses Fighting, Ground
Typing Dragon Best Moveset Dragon Tail + Dragon Claw Strengths Electric, Fire, Grass, Water Weaknesses Dragon, Fairy, Ice
Typing Dragon/Psychic Best Moveset Dragon Breath + Dragon Claw Strengths Electric, Fighting, Fire, Grass, Psychic, Water Weaknesses Bug, Dark, Dragon, Fairy, Ghost, Ice
Typing Dragon/Psychic Best Moveset Dragon Breath + Outrage Strengths Electric, Fighting, Fire, Grass, Psychic, Water Weaknesses Bug, Dark, Dragon, Fairy, Ghost, Ice
Electric is a bit limited on paper, hitting only two types in the game for Super Effective damage. However, these two types combined represent a tremendous number of Pokemon, so an investment in Electric Type damage will definitely pay off. Electric may not reach the numbers of some other types, but in general they're well on the high end of the spectrum, and tend to remain very competitive with or outright dominant over their competition.
Typing Electric/Dragon Best Moveset Charge Beam + Fusion Bolt Strengths Electric (2x), Fire, Flying, Grass, Steel, Water Weaknesses Dragon, Fairy, Ground, Ice
Typing Electric/Flying Best Moveset Volt Switch + Wildbolt Storm Strengths Bug, Fighting, Flying, Grass, Ground, Steel Weaknesses Ice, Rock
Typing Electric/Flying Best Moveset Thunder Shock + Thunderbolt Strengths Bug, Fighting, Flying, Grass, Ground, Steel Weaknesses Ice, Rock
Typing Electric/Steel Best Moveset Spark + Wild Charge Strengths Flying (2x), Steel, (2x), Normal Rock, Bug, Grass, Electric, Psychic, Ice, Dragon, Fairy Weaknesses Ground (2x), Fire, Fighting
Typing Electric Best Moveset Spark + Wild Charge Strengths Flying, Steel, Electric Weaknesses Ground
Fairy types tend to be the "tank" options when Super Effective, using their unique resistances to survive heavy hits where other types would fall quickly. And while their DPS isn't the worst, it's definitely behind much of the competition, though still very viable. Fairy is genuinely less of a priority than many other types, but it's definitely not the worst type to invest in.
Typing Fairy/Psychic Best Moveset Charm + Dazzling Gleam Strengths Dragon (2x), Fighting (2x), Psychic Weaknesses Ghost, Poison, Steel
Typing Fairy/Psychic Best Moveset Charm + Dazzling Gleam Strengths Dragon (2x), Fighting (2x), Psychic Weaknesses Ghost, Poison, Steel
Typing Fairy/Flying Best Moveset Fairy Wind + Dazzling Gleam Strengths Bug (2x), Dragon (2x), Fighting (2x), Ground (2x), Dark, Grass Weaknesses Electric, Ice, Poison, Rock, Steel
Typing Fairy Best Moveset Geomancy + Moonblast Strengths Dragon (2x), Bug, Dark, Fighting Weaknesses Poison, Steel
Typing Fairy Best Moveset Charm + Play Rough Strengths Dragon (2x), Bug, Dark, Fighting Weaknesses Poison, Steel
Typing Fairy/Flying Best Moveset Charm + Dazzling Gleam Strengths Bug (2x), Dragon (2x), Fighting (2x), Ground (2x), Dark, Grass Weaknesses Electric, Ice, Poison, Rock, Steel
Typing Fairy/Psychic Best Moveset Charm + Dazzling Gleam Strengths Dragon (2x), Fighting (2x), Psychic Weaknesses Ghost, Poison, Steel
Typing Fairy/Psychic Best Moveset Charm + Dazzling Gleam Strengths Dragon (2x), Fighting (2x), Psychic Weaknesses Ghost, Poison, Steel
Typing Fairy Best Moveset Charm + Dazzling Gleam Strengths Dragon (2x), Bug, Dark, Fighting Weaknesses Poison, Steel
Typing Fairy/Water Best Moveset Charm + Moonblast Strengths Dragon (2x), Bug, Dark, Fighting, Fire, Ice, Water Weaknesses Electric, Grass, Poison
Typing Fairy Best Moveset Snarl + Play Rough Strengths Dragon (2x), Bug, Dark, Fighting Weaknesses Poison, Steel
Fighting is one of the premier types of Pokemon Go, hitting a lot of Pokemon for Super Effective damage while staying high on the general DPS list. In general, Fighting Types are a good starting point for building a raid team due to just to how pervasive and powerful they tend to be.
Typing Fighting/Steel Best Moveset Force Palm + Aura Sphere Strengths Bug (2x), Poison (2x), Rock (2x), Dark, Dragon, Grass, Ice, Normal, Steel Weaknesses Fighting, Ground, Fire
Typing Fighting/Fire Best Moveset Counter + Focus Blast Strengths Bug (2x), Dark, Fire, Grass, Ice, Steel Weaknesses Flying, Ground, Psychic, Water
Typing Bug/Fighting Best Moveset Counter + Close Combat Strengths Bug, Dark, Fighting, Grass, Ground Weaknesses Flying (2x), Fairy, Fire, Psychic
Typing Fighting/Rock Best Moveset Double Kick + Sacred Sword Strengths Bug, Dark, Fire, Normal, Poison, Rock Weaknesses Fairy, Fighting, Grass, Ground, Psychic, Steel, Water
Typing Fighting Best Moveset Counter + Dynamic Punch Strengths Bug, Dark, Rock Weaknesses Fairy, Flying, Psychic
Typing Fighting/Water Best Moveset Low Kick + Sacred Sword Strengths Bug, Dark, Fire, Ice, Rock, Steel, Water Weaknesses Electric, Fairy, Flying, Grass, Psychic
Typing Fighting + Psychic Best Moveset Low Kick + Close Combat Strengths Fairy, Flying, Ghost Weaknesses Fighting, Rock
Typing Fighting Best Moveset Counter + Dynamic Punch Strengths Bug, Dark, Rock Weaknesses Fairy, Flying, Psychic
Typing Fighting Best Moveset Counter + Dynamic Punch Strengths Bug, Dark, Rock Weaknesses Fairy, Flying, Psychic
Typing Fire/Fighting Best Moveset Counter + Focus Blast Strengths Bug (2x), Dark, Fire, Grass, Ice, Steel Weaknesses Flying, Ground, Psychic, Water
Fire is among the strongest types in the game, with the top Fire Type Mega Evolutions in particular frequently beating out just about everything else when called for. It has a bit of competition and isn't called for as frequently as some other types, but it's definitely a priority for any raid team.
Typing Fire/Fighting Best Moveset Fire Spin + Blast Burn Strengths Bug (2x), Dark, Fire, Grass, Ice, Steel Weaknesses Flying, Ground, Psychic, Water
Typing Fire/Flying Best Moveset Fire Spin + Blast Burn Strengths Bug (2x), Grass (2x), Fairy, Fighting, Fire, Ground, Steel Weaknesses Rock (2x), Electric, Water
Typing Fire/Steel Best Moveset Fire Spin + Magma Storm Strengths Bug (2x), Fairy (2x), Grass (2x), Ice (2x), Poison (2x), Steel (2x), Dragon, Flying, Normal, Psychic Weaknesses Ground (2x), Fighting, Water
Typing Fire/Dragon Best Moveset Fire Fang + Fusion Flare Strengths Fire (2x), Grass (2x), Bug, Electric, Steel Weaknesses Dragon, Ground, Rock
Typing Fire Best Moveset Fire Fang + Overheat Strengths Bug, Fairy, Fire, Grass, Ice, Steel Weaknesses Ground, Rock, Water
Typing Fire/Flying Best Moveset Fire Spin + Overheat Strengths Bug (2x), Grass (2x), Fairy, Fighting, Fire, Ground, Steel Weaknesses Rock (2x), Electric, Water
Typing Fire/Ghost Best Moveset Fire Spin + Overheat Strengths Bug (2x), Fighting (2x), Normal (2x), Fairy, Fire, Grass, Ice, Poison, Steel Weaknesses Dark, Ghost, Ground, Rock, Water
Typing Fire/Dragon Best Moveset Fire Spin + Blast Burn Strengths Fire (2x), Grass (2x), Bug, Electric, Steel Weaknesses Dragon, Ground, Rock
Typing Fire/Ghost Best Moveset Incinerate + Overheat Strengths Bug (2x), Fighting (2x), Normal (2x), Fairy, Fire, Grass, Ice, Poison, Steel Weaknesses Dark, Ghost, Ground, Rock, Water
Typing Fire/Bug Best Moveset Spin + Overheat Strengths Grass (2x), Fairy, Fighting, Bug, Ice, Steel Weaknesses Rock (2x), Flying, Water
Typing Fire/Fighting Best Moveset Fire Spin + Blast Burn Strengths Bug (2x), Dark, Fire, Grass, Ice, Steel Weaknesses Flying, Ground, Psychic, Water
Typing Fire/Steel Best Moveset Fire Spin + Magma Storm Strengths Bug (2x), Fairy (2x), Grass (2x), Ice (2x), Poison (2x), Steel (2x), Dragon, Flying, Normal, Psychic Weaknesses Ground (2x), Fighting, Water
Without a doubt, Flying is one of the strongest types currently in Pokemon Go. This is owed largely to the sheer power of Dragon Ascent and Rayquaza/Mega Rayquaza, as they stand head-and-shoulders above just about everything else in the game to date.
Typing Flying/Dragon Best Moveset Air Slash + Dragon Ascent Strengths Grass (2x), Ground (2x), Bug, Fighting, Fire, Water Weaknesses Ice (2x), Dragon, Fairy, Rock
Typing Flying/Dragon Best Moveset Air Slash + Dragon Ascent Strengths Grass (2x), Ground (2x), Bug, Fighting, Fire, Water Weaknesses Ice (2x), Dragon, Fairy, Rock
Typing Flying/Fire Best Moveset Wing Attack + Sky Attack Strengths Bug (2x), Grass (2x), Fairy, Fighting, Fire, Ground, Steel Weaknesses Rock (2x), Electric, Water
Typing Flying/Normal Best Moveset Gust + Fly Strengths Ghost (2x), Ground (2x), Bug, Grass Weaknesses Electric, Ice, Rock
Typing Flying/Dark Best Moveset Gust + Oblivion Wing Strengths Psychic (2x), Ground (2x), Ghost, Dark, Grass Weaknesses Electric, Fairy, Ice, Rock
Typing Flying/Normal Best Moveset Gust + Brave Bird Strengths Ghost (2x), Ground (2x), Bug, Grass Weaknesses Electric, Ice, Rock
Typing Flying/Dark Best Moveset Peck + Sky Attack Strengths Psychic (2x), Ground (2x), Ghost, Dark, Grass Weaknesses Electric, Fairy, Ice, Rock
Typing Flying/Fire Best Moveset Wing Attack + Sky Attack Strengths Bug (2x), Grass (2x), Fairy, Fighting, Fire, Ground, Steel Weaknesses Rock (2x), Electric, Water
Typing Flying/Normal Best Moveset Gust + Fly Strengths Ghost (2x), Ground (2x), Bug, Grass Weaknesses Electric, Ice, Rock
Typing Flying/Normal Best Moveset Air Slash + Sky Attack Strengths Ghost (2x), Ground (2x), Bug, Grass Weaknesses Electric, Ice, Rock
The top Ghost types tend to be genuinely great Pokemon that can that top the DPS charts handily. In particular, Mega Gengar is an oppressively powerful force that overshadows many Pokemon that seek to rival it, and it's definitely not alone. When something is weak to Ghosts, then Ghosts tend to be one of the best answers, even if they come into a battle while sporting a weakness to whatever they may be fighting.
Typing Ghost/Psychic Best Moveset Shadow Claw + Moongeist Beam Strengths Fighting (3x), Normal (2x), Poison, Psychic Weaknesses Dark (2x), Ghost (2x)
Typing Ghost/Fire Best Moveset Hex + Shadow Ball Strengths Bug (2x), Fighting (2x), Normal (2x), Fairy, Fire, Grass, Ice, Poison, Steel Weaknesses Dark, Ghost, Ground, Rock, Water
Typing Ghost Best Moveset Shadow Claw + Shadow Ball Strengths Fighting (2x), Normal (2x), Bug, Poison Weaknesses Dark, Ghost
Typing Ghost/Fire Best Moveset Astonish + Shadow Ball Strengths Bug (2x), Fighting (2x), Normal (2x), Fairy, Fire, Grass, Ice, Poison, Steel Weaknesses Dark, Ghost, Ground, Rock, Water
Typing Ghost/Dragon Best Moveset Shadow Claw + Shadow Force Strengths Fighting (2x), Normal (2x), Bug, Electric, Fire, Grass, Poison, Water Weaknesses Dark, Dragon, Fairy, Ghost, Ice
Typing Ghost/Dragon Best Moveset Astonish + Shadow Ball Strengths Fighting (2x), Normal (2x), Bug, Electric, Fire, Grass, Poison, Water Weaknesses Dark, Dragon, Fairy, Ghost, Ice
Typing Ghost/Steel Best Moveset Hex + Shadow Ball Strengths Normal (3x), Poison (3x), Bug (2x), Dragon, Fairy, Fighting, Flying, Grass, Ice, Psychic, Rock, Steel Weaknesses Dark, Fire, Ghost, Ground
Typing Ghost/Fire Best Moveset Hex + Shadow Ball Strengths Bug (2x), Fighting (2x), Normal (2x), Fairy, Fire, Grass, Ice, Poison, Steel Weaknesses Dark, Ghost, Ground, Rock, Water
Typing Ghost/Psychic Best Moveset Astonish + Shadow Ball Strengths Fighting (3x), Normal (2x), Poison, Psychic Weaknesses Dark (2x), Ghost (2x)
Grass Types have a fair bit of utility, as they cover potentially important types while tending to resist many common coverage moves. The one problem is that Grass tends to be a relatively weak type overall, with two very real exceptions that buck that trend and have the ability to compete with even some of the best types in the game.
Typing Grass/Dragon Best Moveset Bullet Seed + Frenzy Plant Strengths Electric (2x), Grass (2x), Water (2x), Ground Weaknesses Ice (2x), Dragon, Fairy, Flying, Poison, Bug
Typing Grass/Steel Best Moveset Razor Leaf + Leaf Blade Strengths Grass (2x), Dragon, Electric, Fairy, Normal, Poison, Psychic, Rock, Steel, Water Weaknesses Fire (2x), Fighting
Typing Grass/Poison Best Moveset Vine Whip + Frenzy Plant Strengths Grass (2x), Electric, Fairy, Fighting, Water Weaknesses Fire, Flying, Ice, Psychic
Typing Grass/Flying Best Moveset Magical Leaf + Grass Knot Strengths Ground (3x), Grass (2x), Fighting, Water Weaknesses Ice (2x), Fire, Flying, Poison, Rock
Typing Grass/Dark Best Moveset Vine Whip + Power Whip Strengths Psychic (2x), Dark, Electric, Ghost, Grass, Ground, Water Weaknesses Bug (2x), Fairy, Fighting, Fire, Flying, Ice, Poison
Typing Grass Best Moveset Vine Whip + Power Whip Strengths Electric, Grass, Ground, Water Weaknesses Bug, Fire, Flying, Ice, Poison
Typing Grass/Ground Best Moveset Razor Leaf + Frenzy Plant Strengths Electric (3x), Ground, Rock Weaknesses Ice (2x), Bug, Fire, Flying
Typing Grass/Poison Best Moveset Vine Whip + Frenzy Plant Strengths Grass (2x), Electric, Fairy, Fighting, Water Weaknesses Fire, Flying, Ice, Psychic
Typing Grass Best Moveset Bullet Seed + Frenzy Plant Strengths Electric, Grass, Ground, Water Weaknesses Bug, Fire, Flying, Ice, Poison
Typing Grass Best Moveset Vine Whip + Power Whip Strengths Electric, Grass, Ground, Water Weaknesses Bug, Fire, Flying, Ice, Poison
Ground is another very pervasive type that hits a lot of other types for Super Effective damage, with its most note-worthy advantage being the fact that it's the only type that Electric is weak to. It's also able to contend with many of the other top types in the game thanks to the raw power of many of the game's top Ground Types.
Typing Ground/Fire Best Moveset Mud Shot + Precipice Blades Strengths Electric (2x), Bug, Fairy, Fire, Poison, Steel Weaknesses Water (2x), Ground
Typing Ground/Dragon Best Moveset Mud Shot + Earth Power Strengths Electric (3x), Fire, Poison, Rock Weaknesses Ice (2x), Dragon, Fairy
Typing Ground/Dragon Best Moveset Mud Shot + Earth Power Strengths Electric (3x), Fire, Poison, Rock Weaknesses Ice (2x), Dragon, Fairy
Typing Ground/Flying Best Moveset Mud Shot + Sandsear Storm Strengths Ground (2x), Bug, Electric, Fighting, Poison Weaknesses Ice (2x), Water
Typing Ground/Steel Best Moveset Mud Slap + Scorching Sands Strengths Poison (3x), Electric (2x), Rock (2x), Bug, Dragon, Fairy, Flying, Normal, Psychic, Steel Weaknesses Fighting, Fire, Ground, Water
Typing Ground/Rock Best Moveset Mud Slap + Earthquake Strengths Electric, Poison, Fire, Flying, Normal, Rock Weaknesses Grass (2x), Water (2x), Fighting, Ground, Ice, Steel
Typing Ground/Ice Best Moveset Mud Slap + High Horsepower Strengths Electric (2x), Poison Weaknesses Fighting, Fire, Grass, Steel, Water
Typing Ground/Water Best Moveset Mud Shot + Earthquake Strengths Electric, Fire, Poison, Rock, Steel Weaknesses Grass (2x)
Typing Ground/Dragon Best Moveset Mud Shot + Earth Power Strengths Electric (3x), Fire, Poison, Rock Weaknesses Ice (2x), Dragon, Fairy
Ice is a bit of a strategic type. It's usually not the absolute best outside of 2x effective stages, but that's the key; a lot of highly sought-after Pokemon are 2x weak to Ice. Picking up an Ice Type team is a definite priority for any raider, as it's a pervasive type that can work its magic in a lot of different raids.
Typing Ice/Ground Best Moveset Powder Snow + Avalanche Strengths Electric (2x), Poison Weaknesses Fighting, Fire, Grass, Steel, Water
Typing Ice/Dark Best Moveset Ice Shard + Avalanche Strengths Psychic (2x), Dark, Ghost, Ice Weaknesses Fighting (2x), Bug, Fairy, Fire, Rock, Steel
Typing Ice/Dragon Best Moveset Ice Fang + Avalanche Strengths Electric, Grass, Water Weaknesses Dragon, Fairy, Fighting, Rock, Steel
Typing Ice Best Moveset Ice Fang + Avalanche Strengths Ice Weaknesses Fighting, Fire, Rock, Steel
Typing Ice/Ground Best Moveset Powder Snow + Avalanche Strengths Electric (2x), Poison Weaknesses Fighting, Fire, Grass, Steel, Water
Typing Ice/Flying Best Moveset Frost Breath + Triple Axel Strengths Ground (2x), Bug, Grass Weaknesses Rock (2x), Electric, Fire, Steel
Typing Ice/Dragon Best Moveset Dragon Breath + Glaciate Strengths Electric, Grass, Water Weaknesses Dragon, Fairy, Fighting, Rock, Steel
Typing Ice/Dark Best Moveset Ice Shard + Avalanche Strengths Psychic (2x), Dark, Ghost, Ice Weaknesses Fighting (2x), Bug, Fairy, Fire, Rock, Steel
Sadly, Poison is probably the single weakest type in the game when it comes to raids. It's only effective against two types, Grass and Fairy, and a pairing of those types to create a double weakness is very rare. On top of that, Poison Types tend to be very lackluster overall, falling behind the competition by a fair bit most of the time. Unless you already have the other types done and don't mind potentially flushing your Stardust down the toilet, it's best to not worry about making a Poison team.
Typing Poison/Bug Best Moveset Poison Jab + Sludge Bomb Strengths Fighting (2x), Grass (2x), Bug, Fairy, Poison Weaknesses Fire, Flying, Psychic, Rock
Typing Poison/Ghost Best Moveset Lick + Sludge Bomb Strengths Fighting (3x), Bug (2x), Normal (2x), Poison (2x), Fairy, Grass Weaknesses Dark, Ghost, Ground, Psychic
Typing Poison/Rock Best Moveset Poison Jab + Sludge Bomb Strengths Poison (2x), Bug, Fairy, Fire, Flying, Normal Weaknesses Ground (2x), Psychic, Steel, Water
Typing Poison/Dragon Best Moveset Poison Jab + Cross Poison Strengths Grass (2x), Bug, Electric, Fighting, Fire, POison, Water Weaknesses Ice, Dragon, Psychic, Ground
Typing Poison/Dragon Best Moveset Poison Jab + Sludge Bomb Strengths Grass (2x), Bug, Electric, Fighting, Fire, POison, Water Weaknesses Ice, Dragon, Psychic, Ground
Typing Poison/Fighting Best Moveset Poison Jab + Sludge Bomb Strengths Bug (2x), Dark, Fighting, Grass, Poison, Rock Weaknesses Psychic (2x), Flying, Ground
Typing Poison/Grass Best Moveset Poison Jab + Sludge Bomb Strengths Grass (2x), Electric, Fairy, Fighting, Water Weaknesses Fire, Flying, Ice, Psychic
Typing Poison/Grass Best Moveset Acid + Sludge Bomb Strengths Grass (2x), Electric, Fairy, Fighting, Water Weaknesses Fire, Flying, Ice, Psychic
Typing Poison/Grass Best Moveset Acid + Sludge Bomb Strengths Grass (2x), Electric, Fairy, Fighting, Water Weaknesses Fire, Flying, Ice, Psychic
Typing Poison/Dark Best Moveset Poison Jab + Sludge Bomb Strengths Dark, Ghost, Grass, Poison, Psychic Weaknesses Ground
Typing Poison/Dark Best Moveset Poison Jab + Sludge Bomb Strengths Dark, Ghost, Grass, Poison, Psychic Weaknesses Ground
Typing Poison Best Moveset Poison Jab + Sludge Bomb Strengths Bug, Fairy, Fighting, Grass, Poison Weaknesses Ground, Psychic
Psychic is probably the single strongest type in all of Pokemon Go. Despite the fact that only two types are actually weak to Psychic, its sheer power makes it super-dominant to the point of frequently being a viable type even if the target is 2x weak to another type.
Typing Psychic Best Moveset Confusion + Psystrike Strengths Fighting, Psychic Weaknesses Bug, Dark, Ghost
Typing Psychic Best Moveset Confusion + Psychic Strengths Fighting, Psychic Weaknesses Bug, Dark, Ghost
Typing Psychic/Dragon Best Moveset Zen Headbutt + Psychic Strengths Electric, Fighting, Fire, Grass, Water, Psychic Weaknesses Bug, Dark, Dragon, Fairy, Ghost, Ice
Typing Psychic Best Moveset Confusion + Psystrike Strengths Fighting, Psychic Weaknesses Bug, Dark, Ghost
Typing Fighting/Psychic Best Moveset Confusion + Psychic Strengths Fighting, Rock Weaknesses Fairy, Flying, Ghost
Typing Psychic/Fairy Best Moveset Confusion + Psychic Strengths Dragon (2x), Fighting (2x), Psychic Weaknesses Ghost, Poison, Steel
Typing Psychic/Dragon Best Moveset Zen Headbutt + Psychic Strengths Electric, Fighting, Fire, Grass, Water, Psychic Weaknesses Bug, Dark, Dragon, Fairy, Ghost, Ice
Typing Psychic/Dark Best Moveset Confusion + Psychic Strengths Psychic (3x) Weaknesses Bug (2x), Fairy
Typing Psychic/Steel Best Moveset Zen Headbutt + Psychic Strengths Poison (2x), Psychic (2x), Dragon, Fairy, Flying, Grass, Ice, Normal, Rock, Steel Weaknesses Dark, Fire, Ghost, Ground
Typing Psychic Best Moveset Confusion + Psychic Strengths Fighting, Psychic Weaknesses Bug, Dark, Ghost
Despite the fact that anything with a weakness to rock that isn't a double weakness is virtually guaranteed to have other types that can rival it, Rock's high average power and important coverage keeps it extremely valuable, to the point that Rock should arguably be one of the first types that a player starts building for when starting their Raid team.
Typing Rock/Fairy Best Moveset Rock Throw + Rock Slide Strengths Dragon (2x), Bug, Dark, Fire, Flying, Normal Weaknesses Steel (2x), Grass, Ground, Water
Typing Rock/Ground Best Moveset Smack Down + Rock Wrecker Strengths Electric (2x), Poison (2x), Fire, Flying, Normal, Rock Weaknesses Grass (2x), Water (2x), Fighting, Ground, Ice, St
Typing Rock Best Moveset Smack Down + Rock Slide Strengths Normal, Poison, Flying, Fire Weaknesses Fighting, Grass, Ground, Steel, Water
Typing Rock/Dark Best Moveset Smack Down + Stone Edge Strengths Psychic (2x), Dark, Fire, Flying, Ghost, Normal, Poison Weaknesses Fighting (2x), Fairy, Bug, Grass, Ground, Steel, Water
Typing Rock Best Moveset Smack Down + Meteor Beam Strengths Normal, Poison, Flying, Fire Weaknesses Fighting, Grass, Ground, Steel, Water
Typing Rock/Flying Best Moveset Rock Throw + Rock Slide Strengths Bug, Fire, Flying, Ground, Normal, Poison Weaknesses Electric, Ice, Rock, Steel, Water
Typing Rock/Dark Best Moveset Smack Down + Stone Edge Strengths Psychic (2x), Dark, Fire, Flying, Ghost, Normal, Poison Weaknesses Fighting (2x), Fairy, Bug, Grass, Ground, Steel, Water
Typing Rock/Ground Best Moveset Smack Down + Rock Wrecker Strengths Electric (2x), Poison (2x), Fire, Flying, Normal, Rock Weaknesses Grass (2x), Water (2x), Fighting, Ground, Ice, Steel
Typing Rock Best Moveset Smack Down + Rock Slide Strengths Normal, Poison, Flying, Fire Weaknesses Fighting, Grass, Ground, Steel, Water
Typing Rock/Steel Best Moveset Smack Down + Meteor Beam Strengths Poison (3x), Flying (2x), Normal (2x), Bug, Dragon, Fairy, Ice, Psychic, Rock Weaknesses Fighting (2x), Ground (2x), Water
Typing Rock/Dragon Best Moveset Rock Throw + Meteor Beam Strengths Fire (2x), Electric, Flying, Normal, Poison Weaknesses Dragon, Fairy, Fighting, Ground, Ice, Steel
Typing Rock/Fighting Best Moveset Smack Down + Rock Slide Strengths Bug, Dark, Fire, Normal, Poison, Rock Weaknesses Fairy, Fighting, Grass, Ground, Psychic, Steel, Water
While the need for Steel Types isn't terribly common, the top Pokemon of this archetype manage to stay very competitive and tend to rule their matchups. For those making a raid team, Steel Type coverage isn't super-important until suddenly it is.
Typing Steel/Psychic Best Moveset Metal Claw + Sunsteel Strike Strengths Poison (2x), Psychic (2x), Dragon, Fairy, Flying, Grass, Ice, Normal, Rock, Steel Weaknesses Dark, Fire, Ghost, Ground
Typing Steel/Psychic Best Moveset Bullet Punch + Meteor Mash Strengths Poison (2x), Psychic (2x), Dragon, Fairy, Flying, Grass, Ice, Normal, Rock, Steel Weaknesses Dark, Fire, Ghost, Ground
Typing Steel/Psychic Best Moveset Bullet Punch + Meteor Mash Strengths Poison (2x), Psychic (2x), Dragon, Fairy, Flying, Grass, Ice, Normal, Rock, Steel Weaknesses Dark, Fire, Ghost, Ground
Typing Steel/Ground Best Moveset Metal Claw + Iron Head Strengths Poison (3x), Electric (2x), Rock (2x), Bug, Dragon, Fairy, Flying, Normal, Psychic, Steel Weaknesses Fighting, Fire, Ground, Water
Typing Steel/Dragon Best Moveset Metal Claw + Iron Head Strengths Grass (2x), Poison (2x), Bug, Electric, Flying, Normal, Psychic, Rock, Steel, Water Weaknesses Fighting, Ground
Typing Steel/Dragon Best Moveset Metal Claw + Iron Head Strengths Grass (2x), Poison (2x), Bug, Electric, Flying, Normal, Psychic, Rock, Steel, Water Weaknesses Fighting, Ground
Typing Steel/Fighting Best Moveset Bullet Punch + Flash Cannon Strengths Bug (2x), Poison (2x), Rock (2x), Dark, Dragon, Grass, Ice, Normal, Steel Weaknesses Fighting, Fire, Ground
Typing Steel Best Moveset Iron Tail + Heavy Slam Strengths Poison (2x), Bug, Dragon, Fairy, Flying, Grass, Ice, Normal, Psychic, Rock, Steel Weaknesses Fighting, Fire, Ground
Typing Steel/Bug Best Moveset Bullet Punch + Iron Head Strengths Grass (2x), Poison (2x), Bug, Dragon, Fire, Ice, Normal, Psychic, Steel Weaknesses Fire (2x)
Typing Rock/Steel Best Moveset Iron Tail + Heavy Slam Strengths Poison (3x), Flying (2x), Normal (2x), Bug, Dragon, Fairy, Ice, Psychic, Rock Weaknesses Fighting (2x), Ground (2x), Water
Typing Steel/Bug Best Moveset Metal Claw + Magnet Bomb Strengths Grass (2x), Poison (2x), Bug, Dragon, Fire, Ice, Normal, Psychic, Steel Weaknesses Fire (2x)
NOTE: all Genesect formes count here. chevron-right
Typing Water/Steel Best Moveset Metal Claw + Flash Cannon Strengths Poison (2x), Ice (2x), Steel (2x), Bug, Dragon, Fairy, Flying, Normal, Psychic, Rock, Water Weaknesses Electric, Fighting, Ground
Typing Rock/Flying Best Moveset Steel Wing + Iron Head Strengths Bug, Fire, Flying, Ground, Normal, Poison Weaknesses Electric, Ice, Rock, Steel, Water
Typing Steel/Bug Best Moveset Bullet Punch + Iron Head Strengths Grass (2x), Poison (2x), Bug, Dragon, Fire, Ice, Normal, Psychic, Steel Weaknesses Fire (2x)
Typing Steel/Ground Best Moveset Metal Claw + Iron Head Strengths Poison (3x), Electric (2x), Rock (2x), Bug, Dragon, Fairy, Flying, Normal, Psychic, Steel Weaknesses Fighting, Fire, Ground, Water
A straight-forward type, Water doesn't have many interactions to worry about, which means that it tends to be a great all-around choice whenever it's effective. The top Water Types are absolutely able to go toe-to-toe with many of the top types, especially since Primal Kyogre rules these waves.
Typing Water/Ground Best Moveset Water Gun + Hydro Cannon Strengths Electric, Fire, Poison, Rock, Steel Weaknesses Grass (2x)
Typing Water/Dark Best Moveset Waterfall + Hydro Pump or Aqua Tail Strengths Psychic (2x), Dark, Fire, Ghost, Ice, Steel, Water Weaknesses Bug, Electric, Fairy, Fighting, Grass
Typing Water/Ground Best Moveset Water Gun + Hydro Cannon Strengths Electric, Fire, Poison, Rock, Steel Weaknesses Grass (2x)
Typing Water/Steel Best Moveset Waterfall + Hydro Cannon Strengths Poison (2x), Ice (2x), Steel (2x), Bug, Dragon, Fairy, Flying, Normal, Psychic, Rock, Water Weaknesses Electric, Fighting, Ground
For all intents and purposes, Normal is not actually a type when it comes to building a raid team. Outside of very, very specific scenarios or just having fun, Normal Type moves should be TMed away, and Normal Types lacking other useful types and/or enough power to make other move types work for them should be left on the bench.
Typing Normal/Ground Best Moveset Tackle + (Any) Strengths Ghost (2x), Electric (2x), Poison, Rock Weaknesses Fighting, Grass, Ice, Water
Typing Normal/Flying Best Moveset Quick Attack + (Any) Strengths Ghost (2x), Ground (2x), Bug, Grass Weaknesses Electric, Ice, Rock
Typing Normal/Flying Best Moveset Quick Attack + (Any) Strengths Ghost (2x), Ground (2x), Bug, Grass Weaknesses Electric, Ice, Rock
Typing Normal Best Moveset (Any) + Hyper Beam Strengths Ghost (2x) Weaknesses Fighting