Mega Charizard X

PvE Analysis
Unquestionably one of the coolest looking Mega Pokemon, Mega Charizard X is a major fan favorite across every Pokemon game that it exists in. Unfortunately, the CP formula has not been particularly kind to Mega Charizard X when compared to its Y variant, leaving it the inferior Fire Type of the two. However, Mega Charizard X also has a Dragon Typing to fall back on, a role in which is is actually pretty solid.
As a Mega, Mega Charizard X has the advantage of boosting both Fire and Dragon attacks for its team mates, with each being potentially very valuable in a number of raids. While we'd normally talk about unlocking a second Charged Move to switch between the two different Mega Evolutions here, the need to have the Elite Fast Move Dragon Breath in order to make Mega Charizard X a viable Dragon Type attacker makes this non-viable. So, sadly, a Mega Charizard X almost needs to be a dedicated Dragon Type attacker in order to fill the niche not dominated by the Y variant. And even then, it has to compete with absolute monsters like Mega Rayquaza and Mega Salamence, meaning Mega Charizard X has basically no niche to call its own.
Best PvE Offensive Moveset
Fire Spin + Blast Burn* | Best |
Dragon Breath* + Dragon Claw | Good |
Dragon Breath and Dragon Claw make Mega Charizard X a viable Dragon Type Mega Evolution.
Fire Spin and Blast Burn makes Mega Charizard X a solid Fire Type Mega Evolution, though it might be wiser to save this setup for Mega Charizard Y. Ember is inferior.
Wing Attack is preferable to Air Slash and equal to Fire Spin if both have the same effectiveness.
Overheat is the best non-Elite Fire Type move available, while Flamethrower is the lest of the Fire Type moves on display.
- Return has no purposes on offensive Mega Charizard X.
PvP Analysis
Dragon Breath* or Fire Spin + Blast Burn* and Dragon Claw |
Dragon Breath benefits from STAB and offers the most damage output, while providing average energy generation. Fire Spin also gets STAB, and offers Fire-type coverage. Mega Charizard X does not have a Flying sub-typing, so its Flying-type fast moves are generally not recommended.
Blast Burn* is a limited to Community Day events and Elite TMs, but is an incredibly powerful move, highly energy efficient, and almost mandatory for optimal use of Mega Charizard X. Dragon Claw costs less energy, benefits from STAB, and can be used frequently.