Lvl 50Max CP
Lvl 40
Lvl 25Weather Boost
Lvl 20Raids/Eggs
Lvl 15Research

PvE Analysis

With a good moveset and an Attack stat rivaling that of Rayquaza, Haxorus is a great choice for a Dragon attacker. Its performance is along the lines of many other top-tier non Shadow Dragons such as Palkia and Salamence. Although Haxorus falls behind in comparison to the heavy hitting Shadow Dragon-types, it's nonetheless a great budget option for players who participated in its Community Day.

Best PvE Offensive Moveset

Dragon Tail + Breaking SwipeBest
  • Dragon Tail is basically the only Quick Move worthwhile on offense, and it should pair with Breaking Swipe*.
  • Dragon Claw is slightly worse than Breaking Swipe, but a viable option nonetheless.
  • Counter is a good move, but it lacks STAB and synergy on Haxorus
  • Surf, Night Slash, and Earthquake have no real utility on Haxorus.

Best PvE Defensive Moveset

Dragon Tail or Counter + Breaking Swipe, Dragon Claw, Night Slash, or SurfBest
  • Dragon Tail is fantastic on Defense, but it's also very predictable and easy to deal with given the right counters.
  • Counter is a bit weaker, but is just as viable as Dragon Tail due to hitting Steel Types harder.
  • Breaking Swipe is virtually undodgeable, though it is rather weak.
  • Dragon Claw is a 3-bar move that hits hard and is narrowly resisted. It's a wonderful move on defense!
  • Night Slash is similar to Dragon Claw, and adds a different resistance profile. Though both are walled by Fairy Types!
  • Surf is a reasonable move that pairs well with Haxorus' Fast Moves to make Haxorus hard to wall. Being 2-bar does slow it down a bit, though.
  • Earthquake is powerful, but Haxorus is too frail to be able to use it reliably on defense. Though it does offer counter-coverage against Steel Types.

PvP Analysis

Counter or Dragon Tail + Breaking Swipe* and Surf or Night Slash 

Counter is one of the best fast moves in the game, provides wide coverage, but lacks STAB. Dragon Tail deals high STAB damage and offers Dragon-type coverage, but sports only average energy gains. 

Breaking Swipe is an incredible Charged Attack - it Dragon Claw's STAB, decent damage and low cost, but also comes with a guaranteed Attack debuff. By extension, Dragon Claw is strictly inferior to Breaking Swipe. Night Slash falls behind in raw damage output, and isn't particularly strong, but provides Dark-type coverage and a small chance to proc a major ATK boost. Surf is a respectably efficient charge move that can be used frequently, though it doesn't always synergize well with Haxorus. Earthquake costs the most amount of energy by a large margin, and isn't recommended for this reason, though its valuable coverage and high damage threat are still appealing. 

Great League3 / 5

Haxorus is a Dragon-type with a very high ATK stat, which results in poor bulk in this league. While its moveset is fast and can easily pressure shields, the extreme fragility is often enough for Haxorus to faint before claiming any wins. It should also be noted that with the exception of Earthquake, the ubiquitous Azumarill resists every move that Haxorus can learn. The addition of Breaking Swipe to its movepool may allow Haxorus to find place in certain rulesets.

Ultra League3 / 5

The significant issue with vulnerable bulk is still a major problem in Ultra League, resulting in Haxorus losing to most meta picks. Steel-types will have a hard time vs Counter, while Dragon Tail performs even worse overall, and is insufficient even against other Dragon-types. Haxorus's Community Day move, Breaking Swipe, helps offset its poor bulk, and once again allows Haxorus to find its place in some cups.

Master League3.5 / 5

Master League is the only way Haxorus can make use of its high offensive stat to shine, with consistent damage output from both fast and charge moves, while also pressuring shields quite easily. A max CP of 4062 is quite respectable, though the lack of defensive stats holds Haxorus back, making it difficult to win against bulkier opponents. Night Slash and Surf are also unimpressive charge moves in terms of solid damage output since they lack STAB, and overall Haxorus may struggle significantly against Fairy-types. Haxorus shines best in Master League Premier Cup, where it does not have to compete against numerous other Dragons for a spot on a team.

Second Charge Move Cost
75,000 Stardust + 75 Candy
Flee Rate
10 %
Buddy Distance
5 KM
Catch Rate
5 %
Female Ratio
Male Ratio