
PvE Analysis
The Temporal Pokemon has arrived, and it is a great asset to most teams. As the only Dragon that doesn't take Super Effective damage from other Dragon-types, it has a TDO that tends go outclass most of its fellow dragon-type counters. However, its DPS leaves a bit to be desired in most cases, lagging behind many of its compatriots. Its DPS isn't bad, but definitely not as high as many of the other top Dragons. As a Steel-type attacker, it's pretty decent overall. It has some utility, but it's definitely not worth raising a Dialga just for this Niche.
Dialga does have some hope for the future in the form of its signature move, Roar of Time. However, while its Origin Form does have access to this move, this form does not, so time will tell when/if it will change Dialga's place in the meta if it ever gets access to it.
Best PvE Offensive Moveset
Best | |
Good |
- Dragon Breath should be paired with Draco Meteor for top TDO against Dragon-types.
- Metal Claw should be paired with Iron Head for top Steel-type DPS.
- Thunder isn't useful on Dialga.
PvP Analysis
Dragon Breath is, frankly, the main source of Dialga's offensive power, and is thus the correct choice for fast move. It provides an incredible amount of consistent Dragon-type damage.
Iron Head is Dialga's cheapest move, and while it is (on its own) mediocre, it provides solid anti-Fairy coverage, and is generally good enough.
The only real decision you have to make in your Dialga's moveset is between Thunder and Draco Meteor, and you'll find players who swear by each. Draco Meteor is a one-shot nuke, which can deal a huge amount of damage to everything in the format, but at the cost of dropping your attack to unusable levels after. Thunder gives you more power against Flying-types and Kyogre, but doesn't hit quite so hard against the rest of the format. Experiment, and see which you like more!
Note: Dialga is an incredibly IV-dependent Pokémon, requiring minimum 15/14/12 IVs and being Best Buddied to compete effectively.
Great League | |
Dialga's CP is too high to be used in the Great League. | |
Ultra League | |
Dialga is fragile and its moveset is too slow in the overall spammy Ultra League. | |
Master League | |
Time and time again, Dialga has proven that it deserves its throne atop the Master League. Sporting solid stats, a unique defensive typing, and oppressive Dragon Breath pressure, Dialga bends the metagame to its knees. It serves as a check to many Pokemon - Kyogre, Lugia, Zarude, and every other Dragon-type Pokemon in the game. As a Dragon-type that is not weak to Fairy, Dialga can stand up to Togekiss, forcing it to shield twice if it wants to win. Against all but the most disadvantageous matchups, Dialga deals heavy damage and may even force mindgames. All this makes Dialga the single most splashable Pokemon in the Master League, synergizing with just about every Pokemon. Despite its seemingly omnipotent capabilities, Dialga has unfortunately shown signs of aging. More and more powerful threats have been released into the game, and Dialga is beginning to slow down in its ability to keep them in check. However, the biggest threat to Dialga's throne comes from none other than its own Origin Forme. Dialga-Origin has better stats overall, sacrificing a very small amount of Attack for noticeably greater bulk. This release alone relegates base form Dialga into a "budget" option of sorts; players who have yet to settle on a good Dialga-O can choose to run base Dialga as a viable substitute until then. As a result, base Dialga will slowly fade away into obscurity unless it can run into situations where its slightly higher Attack is truly meaningful. That or if it gets a move update. Regardless of what happens in Dialga's future, it can retire happy knowing that it has defined the Master League for such a tremendous span of time (from its release until January 2024), and that it can pass its throne to its own "relative" or so to speak. |