
Shadow Rhyperior

Lvl 50Max CP
Lvl 40
Lvl 25Weather Boost
Lvl 20Raids/Eggs
Lvl 15Research

PvE Analysis

Rhyperior is an absolute juggernaut of a Pokemon that long could compete with many Shadows thanks to its great average DPS and titanic TDO. But what happens when you give this monster the Shadow Boost? You end up with a downright explosive Pokemon. Shadow Rhyperior hits like a nuke as soon as it hits the field, absolutely destroying anything that it's called on to take down. And not only did it score huge DPS with its Shadow boost, it also brought the huge TDO of its non-shadow variant with it, scoring less time on the field that's made up for directly with higher DPS. On average, Shadow Rhyperior will probably be the top overall counter when it's relevant, making it an outstanding investment for any player.

The one caveat? It unfortunately released alongside Shadow Rampardos! But still; its huge TDO and still objectively outstanding DPS keeps it very competitive with the shadow fossil! 

Best PvE Offensive Moveset

Smack DownSmack Down + Rock WreckerRock WreckerBest
Mud SlapMud Slap + EarthquakeEarthquakeGood
  • Smack Down should be paired with Rock Wrecker for top-tier Rock DPS.

  • Mud Slap should go with Earthquake for similarly high-tier Ground DPS.

  • Stone Edge is a step down, but still decent if Elite TMs are lacking. 

  • Surf really doesn't have much of a place on an offensive Shadow Rhyperior.

  • Superpower has no STAB or synergy with Shadow Rhyperior's movesets.

  • Breaking Swipe is great, but it's not useful on Shadow Rhyperior. 

  • Skull Bash is the least useful move in Shadow Rhyperior's repertoire. 

Best PvE Defensive Moveset

Mud SlapMud Slap or Smack DownSmack Down + Rock WreckerRock Wrecker* or SurfSurfBest
  • Mud Slap is a bit better than Smack Down, but both are defensively solid

  • Rock Wrecker is a hard-hitting 2 bar move, and a great defensive choice

  • Superpower offers pervasive coverage and good power, making it a good pick on defense. No meta-relevant Pokemon resits Fighting and Rock.

  • Surf is a great 2 bar move, but it’s weak vs. the Water and Grass types that counter Shadow Rhyperior very hard.

  • Breaking Swipe is great on offense, but its low base power makes it a bit iffier on defense. Still, it comes out frequently enough to make it worth considering.

  • Stone Edge has an early damage window, but being one-bar is a liability on a Pokemon with two 2x weaknesses

  • Skull Bash is strong and has solid neutral coverage, but it's ultimately inferior.

  • Earthquake is slow and easy to dodge.

PvP Analysis

Mud SlapMud Slap + Rock WreckerRock Wrecker* and Breaking SwipeBreaking Swipe

Mud Slap grants both more damage and energy generation than Smack Down and is clearly the superior move.

Rock Wrecker is a Community Day exclusive move, and is highly recommended for its incredible damage output and very high DPE value. Stone Edge is a direct downgrade in both power and energy cost. Breaking Swipe is definitely the preferred second move, as it sports great power, very low energy cost, and a 50% chance to -1 Attack when utilized.  

Among the lesser options, Surf costs the second lowest amount of energy to use among Rhyperior's moves, and deals respectable damage with good coverage. Superpower provides wide coverage, however its self-debuff effects makes it more difficult to use. Earthquake and Skull Bash demand too much energy to use, given Rhyperior's slow energy gains. 

Great League
2.5 / 5

Rhyperior as a Ground/Rock Pokemon is difficult to use in Great League with the ubiquity of Water and Grass-type Pokemon. While its charge moves are very favorable and its stat distribution relatively average, the major liability of being doubly weak to Water and Grass makes it way too risky to use, especially when considering other competitors in its role. As a Mud Slap user, Pokemon like Marowak and Gastrodon are superior options.

Ultra League
1.5 / 5

Rhyperior's problems continue in the Ultra League, with Pokemon such as Virizion and Feraligatr being top meta threats. Its Attack-weighted stat distribution does no wonders for its overall stat product, and Gastrodon is still a better choice for a Mud Slap u

Master League
5 / 5

Rhyperior possesses solid stats and a diverse moveset, giving it the ability to threaten just about everything. It only really fears Landorus-T and Kyogre, making Rhyperior a good safe switch. It pairs well well with Dragon-type Pokemon such as Rayquaza or Dragonite as they can counter the aforementioned Legendaries, while Rhyperior threatens Steel- and (to a lesser extent) Fairy-type Pokemon. With that said, Rhyperior's Rock/Ground typing does suffer from numerous weaknesses and can struggle to cleanly win matchups, forcing it to rely on shields despite its good bulk.

Shadow Rhyperior is generally preferred over regular Rhyperior. With the Shadow Boost, it can fully farm down a Dialga-O with Mud-Slap + one shield investment, coming out of the matchup absolutely loaded to murk whatever comes in.

Second Charge Move Cost
50,000 Stardust + 50 Candy
Flee Rate
Buddy Distance
3 KM
Catch Rate
Female Ratio
50 %
Male Ratio
50 %