Lvl 50Max CP
Lvl 40
Lvl 25Weather Boost
Lvl 20Raids/Eggs
Lvl 15Research

PvE Analysis

Blacpehalon is one of the apex Ultra Beasts, a clownish power-house with a huge Attack stat and access to many outstanding moves that come together to make this Pokemon a monster. It's also able to pull double-duty with Fire and Ghost alike, making it a great investment for newer players, as it's just a second charged moves and/or some TMs away from filling two roles in one.

However, Blacephalon isn't quite as ubiquitously outstanding as select other Ultra Beasts like Kartana. This is due to the fact that both of its best movesets have at least some issues.

As a Fire Type attacker, it has great raw power behind it, but it's also a fairly frail Pokemon running Incinerate as a Fast Move. While Incinerate has outstanding power, it's also a very slow move, meaning Blacephalon will have issues with dodging to keep it on the field for as long as possible. Fortunately, Mystical Fire comes out pretty frequently, so it has an advantage on that front.

As a Ghost Type attacker, Blacephalon is held back from where it rightfully should be for one reason: Astonish. While Shadow Ball is genuinely great, Astonish is really not, so it's going to make fewer waves on this side.

All-in-all, Blacephalon is a really great Pokemon with a lot of power, but it's still missing one big thing: Mind Blown. This is Blacephalon's Fire Type Signature Move, and could very well be a great move that allows it to rise to even greater heights in the Fire meta.

Best PvE Offensive Moveset

Astonish + Shadow BallBest
Incinerate + Mystical FireBest
  • Astonish and Shadow Ball makes Blacephalon a powerful Ghost Type attacker, though it could be better if Astonish wasn't so bad in-and-of itself.
  • Incinerate and Mystical Fire is a powerful Fire Type moveset, and quite possibly Blacephalon's strongest overall moveset.
  • Overheat falls behind in terms of damage output and utility.
Flee Rate
Buddy Distance
Catch Rate
Female Ratio
Male Ratio