Lvl 50Max CP
Lvl 40
Lvl 25Weather Boost
Lvl 20Raids/Eggs
Lvl 15Research

PvE Analysis

The move rebalance on July 9, 2019 gave Togekiss the much needed addition of Charm to its movepool, which allows it to finally have a double Fairy moveset. While this doesn't let Togekiss reach the DPS numbers that Dragon-types can, the benefit of having a double resistance (in PoGo there's no immunity) to Dragon-type attacks lets Togekiss become a very tanky option if needed. 

On defense, Togekiss is acceptably bulky, shuts down Machamp, and resists Dragon. It has just Metagross whom it really fears.

Best PvE Offensive Moveset

CharmCharm + Dazzling GleamDazzling GleamBest
  • Charm + Dazzling Gleam lets Togekiss do what it does best: Fairy type offense.

  • Aura Sphere actually offers more DPS than STAB Dazzling Gleam. However, its use is limited to targets that take super effectively from both Fairy and Fighting, such as Dark-type bosses. Actual Fighting-type Pokemon outperform Togekiss at this role, however.

  • Hidden Power can cover Fairy’s other type advantages if you luck into a good type.

  • For Hidden Power types, Fighting and Bug hit Dark, while Ice and Dragon hit Dragon. However, Charm hits all of the same minus resistances from sub-types.

  • Air Slash + Aerial Ace is workable, but Dazzling Gleam is superior vs. Fighting-types.

  • Ancient Power and Flamethrower have no role on offense.

Best PvE Defensive Moveset

  • Charm has a huge base power and hits hard on defense against common Fighting and Dragon-type attackers. 

  • Hidden Power is generally worthwhile for defense due to its unpredictable typing.

  • For Hidden Power types, Fire, Ground, Dark, and Ghost can sting Metagross. Ground Hidden Power is favored as it covers Electric, Poison, Steel and Rock attackers.

  • Air Slash is a solid defensive fast move, just worse than the alternative.

  • Flamethrower provides good coverage against certain threats and also has the second earliest damage window. 

  • Aura Sphere* is a bit of a side-grade to Flamethrower, having semi-similar coverage and a very early damage window.

  • Aerial Ace has 3 bars and does damage earlier than Dazzling Gleam.

  • Against those who don’t dodge, Dazzling Gleam is by far the strongest.

  • Ancient Power is workable on defense, but it’s not notable.

PvP Analysis

Charm enables Togekiss to deal huge STAB Fairy-type damage without relying on its charge move, though it energy gains are terrible. Air Slash also gets STAB, but is more of a niche since there's many other Flying-type Pokemon.

Ancient Power is generally the preferred option as it pressures Fire-type Pokemon. However, Aerial Ace is cheaper, which is valuable given Charm's very low energy generation. Flamethrower could be used to cover against Ice and Steel-types. The Community Day move Aura Sphere also offers a similar role, being an overall sidegrade in coverage. Regardless, one of those two moves is necessary to prevent Steel-type Pokemon from entirely walling Togekiss. Dazzling Gleam can be used to land a surprise huge hit against unsuspecting Kyogre or Giratina-O, although Charm's damage is often enough on its own.

Great League2 / 5

The addition of Charm thanks to the July 2019 move rebalance enables Togekiss to become an anti-meta specialist, as its greater ATK stat limits its bulk, and a Fairy/Flying typing can be vulnerable to common threats. The extremely poor energy generation from Charm also prevents Togekiss from applying any sort of significant shield pressure, which may somewhat discourage its use. As an anti-meta pick, popular Pokemon that are weak to Fairy-type attacks like Annihilape, Sableye, Altaria, and Umbreon become easy prey for Togekiss. Unfortunately the prevalence of Steel-types in the meta does hold Togekiss back quite a bit, which makes Pokemon like Medicham a good choice to compliment Togekiss. Overall still a considerable choice, though other Fairy-types like Wigglytuff might fulfill the role a bit better depending on the format. 

Ultra League3 / 5

The prevalence of Giratina in this league makes Togekiss stand out as an excellent counter to them, and also some of the Dark and Fighting-types that are also present in the meta. Just like in Great League, Togekiss still has to be cautious of common Steel-and Fire-type Pokemon in this league. The lack of bulk and slow energy gains however, prevents Togekiss from winning more matches against neutral opponents like Cresselia. 

Master League3.5 / 5

Master League is often dominated by Dragon-types, and is the perfect place for Togekiss to feast. Although it does not possess the greatest stats, Togekiss's sheer type advantage carries it through many Dark- and Dragon-type matchups. Not even the part Steel-type Dialga is safe from Togekiss, as Togekiss can win the match up by committing to both shields. The extra Ground-type resistance provided by its Flying-type is also helpful for taking on Groudon and forcing Landorus-T to reach its more expensive coverage move. Most infamously, Togekiss is a complete hard counter to one of the most terrifying Pokemon in the game, Zygarde-Complete.

Without the sheer advantage from its typing, Togekiss's below average stats becomes a noticeable weakness. Pokemon with great neutral damage, such as Mewtwo and Kyogre, can easily overwhelm it. Steel-type Pokemon are extremely difficult to get around due to how long it takes for Togekiss to reach Flamethrower or Aura Sphere. In order to use Togekiss effectively, it must be paired with strong Steel-type killers, or a way to bait Steel-types out and destroy them before Togekiss enters the battlefield. Togekiss also requires shields to be saved for it, as it is otherwise vulnerable to hard hitting coverage attacks from the likes of Dialga or Zekrom.

Charm's power was nerfed starting in the Season of Mythical Wishes, reducing Togekiss's impact in the metagame. It also competes with Primarina as a Charmer as the latter's Water sub-typing provides it with additional defensive benefits against Dialga, Palkia, and Kyogre.

Second Charge Move Cost
50,000 Stardust + 50 Candy
Flee Rate
Buddy Distance
3 KM
Catch Rate
Female Ratio
12.5 %
Male Ratio
87.5 %