Lvl 50Max CP
Lvl 40
Lvl 25Weather Boost
Lvl 20Raids/Eggs
Lvl 15Research

PvE Analysis

Shadow Pinsir is a good Bug Type attacker, sporting very nice damage. However, it's still a Bug Type attacker, meaning its moveset leaves it less effective on most raids than other options. A high IV Shadow Pinsir could be a great asset, but it's unlikely to be the top raider outside of a raid boss that's double weak to Bug.

Best PvE Offensive Moveset

  • Bug Bite is superior to Fury Cutter and should be paired with X-Scissor for Bug-type offense.

  • Rock Smash can pair with Superpower, or less preferably, Close Combat if no Fighting-type Pokemon are available. 

  • Submission is inferior. 

  • Vice Grip is not a good move. Use your TM here.

Best PvE Defensive Moveset

  • On defense, Rock Smash does over double the DPS of Pinsir’s other fast moves.

  • X-Scissor is fast and frequent, but ineffective against Shadow Pinsir’s counters.

  • Vice Grip is overall just a slightly worse version of X-Scissor.

  • Superpower has better coverage than X-Scissor but is more reactable.

  • Submission is a downgrade due to its inferior base power. 

  • A 1-bar charge move like Close Combat is poor due to Pinsir’s low bulk.

PvP Analysis

With somewhat below-average Damage per Turn and high Energy per Turn, Fury Cutter is a great move for launching Charged moves quickly and furiously. Close Combat  and Superpower are both powerful Fighting-type moves that provide wide coverage, don't cost a lot of energy, and apply self-debuffs. However, they're risky to use and could leave Pinsir vulnerable to be farmed. 

Great League1.5 / 5

Pinsir is a fast mono-Bug type Pokemon, but not a particularly bulky one. Bug-types aren't very valuable in the meta, though Pinsir stands out with its access to two very powerful Fighting-type charge moves which hit hard and provide wide relevant coverage. While other Pokemon can do Pinsir's role a lot better, Pinsir's unique moveset may give it a niche in specific formats. 

Ultra League0 / 5

Pinsir has a few very good matchups in the tier and can be useful in some ways, though Scizor does basically the same job even better.

Master League

The lack of many good Bug types with high a CP allows Pinsir to slip into the Master League to some degree. However, it doesn't have many note-worthy matchups, so while worthwhile on paper, it's not great in practice.

Purification Cost
5 Candy + 5,000 Stardust
Flee Rate
9 %
Buddy Distance
5 KM
Catch Rate
30 %
Female Ratio
50 %
Male Ratio
50 %