
Shadow Mamoswine

Lvl 50Max CP
Lvl 40
Lvl 25Weather Boost
Lvl 20Raids/Eggs
Lvl 15Research

PvE Analysis

Say hello to the current King of Ice Types and Prince of Ground Types! Shadow Mamoswine surpasses even Shadow Weavile as the bringer of winter, with frigid powers so strong that it even has the DPS needed to solo Rayquaza in neutral weather while its Ground Type damage after the December 2022 update gave it access to High Horsepower really puts ground on the map. Shadow Mamoswine is a prize of a Pokemon that rises to the lofty heights held by monsters like Shadow Machamp and Shadow Metagross, and is definitely worth raising!

Best PvE Offensive Moveset

Powder SnowPowder Snow + AvalancheAvalancheBest
Mud SlapMud Slap + High HorsepowerHigh HorsepowerGreat
  • Powder Snow + Avalanche is an ideal Ice Type moveset
  • Mud Slap + High Horsepower makes Shadow Mamo one of the absolute best Ground Types available.
  • Stone Edge is essentially strictly inferior to Avalanche, with low power and no STAB.
  • Ancient Power is purely cosmetic, a worse Rock move than Stone Edge. This is for collectors only.
  • Bulldoze is underwhelming.

Best PvE Defensive Moveset

Mud SlapMud Slap + AvalancheAvalanche or High HorsepowerHigh HorsepowerBest
  • Mud-Slap hits hard, and covers the Fire and Steel attackers.
  • Avalanche is a strong 90 power 2-bar move with early damage window.
  • High Horsepower is another high powered, 2-bar Charged Move, but the fact that it shares a type with Mud Slap makes it a bit less recommended.
  • Powder Snow does not deals much damage to attackers.
  • Stone Edge hits very early and may surprise Moltres, if it ever gets fired.
  • Bulldoze has a very late damage window and very easy to dodge.

PvP Analysis

Powder Snow is preferred for its high energy generation, which lets Mamoswine use its strong charge moves sooner. 

Avalanche is one of the most efficient charged moves in all of PvP, being both cheap and hard-hitting. High Horsepower is the second charged move of choice, giving it coverage for Steel- and Rock-type Pokemon. This is especially meaningful because Ice + Ground charged moves allow Mamoswine to hit virtually every Pokémon for at least neutral damage. Stone Edge also provides valuable coverage but lacks STAB and shares coverage with the former Charge Moves. Ancient Power is not recommended due to its very poor damage output. Bulldoze is strictly inferior to High Horsepower.

Great League1.5 / 5

Thanks to Mamoswine’s higher attack stat, it gets outperformed by Piloswine. Use that instead.

Ultra League2.5 / 5

While Mamoswine has positive matchups against Giratina and Lugia, so does Piloswine, and so do better Ice-types such as Lapras, which all have superior bulk. Once again, just use those instead.

Master League4 / 5

While it does not possess the highest of stats, Mamoswine shines best in the Master League due to the abundance of Ice weak targets and the overall lack of Ice resistances. Thanks to Flying-, Ground-, and Dragon-types often running rampant, Mamoswine has many opportunities to leave a trail of destruction in its wake. Additional coverage from High Horsepower or Stone Edge further makes it trickier to handle; the former move can dent any Melmetal or Metagross that resist Avalanche, while the latter move swiftly removes Ho-Oh.

Despite its offensive prowess, Mamoswine does suffer from many flaws that can make it challenging to use. It is a fragile Pokemon with almost no resistances, and is cursed with weaknesses to common Fighting-, Steel-, and Water-type attacks. Its matchups can be inconsistent head on, and it is possible for Pokemon such as Groudon, Landorus-T, and Dragonite to simply beat it 1v1 despite Mamoswine's type advantage. Thus, using Mamoswine often requires some finesse with energy and shield management. In the right hands, Mamoswine is a terrifying corebreaker and can snowball out of control, but can just as easily fall apart if used carelessly.

Purification Cost
3 Candy + 3,000 Stardust
Flee Rate
5 %
Buddy Distance
3 KM
Catch Rate
5 %
Female Ratio
50 %
Male Ratio
50 %