
Shadow Machamp

Lvl 50Max CP
Lvl 40
Lvl 25Weather Boost
Lvl 20Raids/Eggs
Lvl 15Research

PvE Analysis

The July of 2020 Team Rocket Takeover saw the release of Shadow Machamp, bringing the champ back to the absolute top spot of Fighting Types. If you're lucky enough to obtain one with worthwhile stats, it is easily one of the most pervasively powerful Pokemon in the game, combining huge effective attack, outstanding moves, and one of the best offensive typings in the game.

Best PvE Offensive Moveset

CounterCounter + Dynamic PunchDynamic PunchBest
  • Counter is Machamp’s optimal fast move.

  • Karate Chop’s lower power but higher energy gain keep it competitive when paired with Dynamic Punch.

  • Dynamic Punch is the superior Fighting-type charge move by a sizable margin.

  • Close Combat is viable, but if you need the extra DPS, roll for Dynamic Punch.

  • Cross Chop and Submission are basically inferior versions of Dynamic Punch.

  • Bullet Punch can pair with Heavy Slam for a budget Steel-type role, but consider other Pokemon instead. 

  • Stone Edge and Rock Slide are good moves, but don't suit Machamp's role. 

  • Payback is a poor choice for Shadow Machamp on offense.

Best PvE Defensive Moveset

CounterCounter or Bullet PunchBullet Punch + Dynamic PunchDynamic PunchBest
  • Bullet Punch and Counter are similar on defense, as Machamp’s counters often resist Counter.

  • Dynamic Punch and Heavy Slam end up doing similar damage to most of Machamp’s counters.

  • Cross Chop, though weak, is fairly inexpensive to use and a fast damage window that is hard to dodge.

  • Stone Edge can catch Flying-types off-guard, but its high energy cost doesn’t work well with Machamp's fragility.

  • Close Combat is poor because of its high energy cost, while Submission is both weak and easy to dodge.

  • Rock Slide is flexible as a 2-bar move and provides coverage against Machamp's weakness to Flying-types. 

  • Payback provides great coverage, but it's not likely to be used due to it being expensive to activate.

PvP Analysis

Karate Chop* is one of the best fast moves in the game, provides wide relevant coverage, and benefits from STAB. Counter was once Machamp's best option prior to its nerf in September 2024.

Cross Chop costs the least amount of energy, gets STAB, and can be used frequently. Rock Slide or Stone Edge* offers coverage against Flying-type opponents; the former is cheaper but has significantly less DPE than the latter. Machamp can make use of its more powerful Dynamic Punch or Close Combat to deal immense amounts of burst damage, but they are significantly less consistent than Cross Chop. Payback is a move limited to Elite TMs and Community Day events; while it provides strong coverage against Machamp's disadvantages vs Psychic and Ghost Pokemon, its high 60 energy cost discourages its use, especially when shields are available. 

Great League4.5 / 5

Machamp has historically been somewhat of a fringe pick in the Great League due to its glassy stat spread and the presence of Anti-Fighter Fighting-type Pokemon such as Annihilape or Medicham. With Counter nerfed and Karate Chop buffed as of September 2024, Machamp once again found footing in the Great League as its direct competitors have been pushed aside. Its swift and powerful moveset makes short work of anything that is weak to it, though players must still be wary of its frailty.

Shadow Machamp is generally preferred over regular Machamp, allowing it to chop apart tanks more easily with its increased damage output. Proper shield usage is essential to letting Shadow Machamp shine. Keep it away from sources of high Fast Attack pressure as Shadow Machamp will struggle to defend itself against them.

Ultra League4 / 5

Machamp is also a respectable option in this league, and it can leverage Payback's coverage more effectively due to Giratina's omnipresence. Though it has additional competition with Virizion and Cobalion as a Fighting-type option, Machamp's coverage options and lack of Fire weakness allows it to maintain a niche over them.

Master League 2 / 5

A long time ago, Machamp was one of the few Pokemon that could check a Dialga's rampage. Years have passed since Dialga's release, and while Dialga remains at the top of the meta, many Pokemon have come to take over Machamp's niche. Various Steel- and Ground-type Pokemon have arrived to balance out the temporal titan without the drawbacks of Machamp's poor bulk and defensive typing. It can't even claim the title of the game's best Fighting-type Pokemon anymore, with Conkeldurr and Zamazenta existing. While the Fighting-type remains one of the most potent offensive types in the game, there are many Pokemon that can consistently deal it, such as Zacian, Landorus-T, and Melmetal. Plagued with low stats and a general lack of a defensive purpose, Machamp is horribly outclassed and does not have an appreciable niche in the Master League.

Purification Cost
3 Candy + 3,000 Stardust
Flee Rate
5 %
Buddy Distance
3 KM
Catch Rate
10 %
Female Ratio
25 %
Male Ratio
75 %