Lvl 50Max CP
Lvl 40
Lvl 25Weather Boost
Lvl 20Raids/Eggs
Lvl 15Research

PvE Analysis

Even after years since its release, and with Sacred Fire being introduced into the game, Ho-Oh remains just disappointingly adequate in raid viability. Its strong stats and resistances allow it to be used in many raids, but it is often outclassed by many other Fire-type options. Sacred Fire's parameters are nothing to write home about, being not much better than the existing Fire Blast. Ho-Oh is best used against Grass- and Bug- type raid bosses, as they are weak to both Incinerate and Brave Bird, its best attacks. Additionally, if you are lucky with the Hidden Power roulette, Ho-Oh is actually a fairly competent Flying-type attacker. However, bosses where Flying is optimal is rather scarce.

For those who bought the GO Tour: Johto ticket, Apex Shadow Ho-Oh is available as one of the rewards in the Masterwork Research. It comes with the exclusive move Sacred Fire+, and said move becomes Sacred Fire++ when Ho-Oh is purified. With this move, Apex Purified Ho-Oh becomes a competent Fire-type attacker, with a performance surpassing Moltres. However, purifying Apex Shadow Ho-Oh results in a significant decrease in DPS despite the move's upgrade. As Apex Shadow Ho-Oh is one of the best Fire-type attackers in the game, and players will only receive one, purifying it is not recommended.

Best PvE Offensive Moveset

Incinerate + Sacred Fire or Sacred Fire ++Best
  • Incinerate is the best fast move available due to STAB. 

  • Extrasensory is better for effectiveness vs. Fighting-types specifically.

  • Hidden Power is only viable if it is Flying type. Otherwise, Incinerate or even Extrasensory are better options.

  • Steel Wing is mostly useless.

  • Sacred Fire++ is exclusive to Apex Purified Ho-Oh, and makes Ho-Oh a competent Fire-type attacker. However, Ho-Oh's performance drops when it is purified.

  • For all other Ho-Oh, Sacred Fire remains the best Fire-type charge move at its disposal. However, its performance is rather lacking.

  • Brave Bird is the best charge move available, and benefits from STAB. 

  • Fire Blast is much slower and doesn't perform as well, except against Ice or Steel-types. It is also outclassed by Sacred Fire.

  • Solar Beam is the charged move of choice against Water, Ground, and Rock-type Pokemon, but lacks STAB. 

  • Earthquake is a bit of an awkward move on attack for Ho-oh and doesn't do much for it.

PvP Analysis

Incinerate + Sacred Fire* and Brave Bird

Incinerate is Ho-Oh's only viable fast move option due to its high STAB damage and energy generation, though it is quite cumbersome being a 5 turn fast move. Extrasensory and Steel Wing are both inferior choices by a considerable margin, though they don't suffer nearly as much from the slow animation that Incinerate has. Hidden Power is not a great attack in PVP, but it can have some niche utility on Ho-Oh if given the proper typing.

Brave Bird demands quite a bit of energy, but is the cheapest charge move available to Ho-Oh. While its self-debuff makes it somewhat risky, its high STAB damage makes it considerably threatening if unshielded. Sacred Fire is a very powerful STAB move with a 50% Attack debuff chance, and burns down Steel-type targets. Earthquake provides coverage against Rock types and certain targets such as Zekrom. Solar Beam and Fire Blast are among the most expensive charge moves in the game energy-wise, but the former provides coverage against Water and Rock Pokemon that Ho-Oh can struggle against, while the latter is best avoided because it is completely outclassed by Sacred Fire.

Great League2 / 5

Ho-Oh can only join the Great League if obtained as a research breakthrough reward and traded afterwards to reroll its IVs. This makes Ho-Oh very costly and unlikely to have a shot at Great League, but nonetheless it has its niches. Being more slightly more bulky than Charizard is attractive as a Fire/Flying type, but access to slow charge moves often causes Ho-Oh to lose matchups if the opponent commits 2 shields. Overall Ho-Oh is mostly a one-trick-pony that has a lot of potential when shields are down, but otherwise can struggle compared to other meta picks. Ho-Oh also faces stiff competition from Talonflame, who possesses similar stats and moves, but can pressure shields more effectively with Flame Charge.

Ultra League3.5 / 5

Ho-Oh has better performance in the Ultra League, where it starts to wield the only real advantage afforded to it; a good stat-spread. Here, it acts primarily as a closer, using its powerful but slow charged moves to finish off opponents lacking shields. It also has good matchups against tier-relevant pokemon such as Alolan Muk, Venusaur, and Registeel. Due to its double weakness however, Pokemon with Rock-type coverage tend to counter Ho-Oh, while Water and Dragon Pokemon are also quite common in this league. Like with Great League, Ho-Oh also faces competition with Talonflame in Ultra League, perhaps even moreso.

Master League5 / 5

Ho-Oh shines brightest in the Master League, now being able to make full use of its great stats. Its relatively unique Fire/Flying typing presents it with key resistances to Fairy-, Fighting-, Steel-, and Ground-type attacks, allowing Ho-Oh to take on Primarina, Dusk Mane Necrozma, Xerneas, and Dialga. It is a valuable partner to Dragon-type Pokemon thanks to its matchup spread, and in turn they protect it from its nemesis: Kyogre. Thanks to the sheer power of its moveset and its strong stats and typing, Ho-Oh is adept at finding opportunities to farm down opponents and launching devastating Charged Attacks that are incredibly difficult to wall.

While Ho-Oh packs an incredibly potent closing and hit-and-run capabilities, it does often find itself struggling against shields due to taxing side effects of its charge moves. Ho-Oh additionally has trouble against some of the metagame's titans, such as Kyogre, both formes of Giratina, Zekrom, and Palkia. Its double weakness to Rock-type attacks can leave it vulnerable to Landorus-T and Hisuian Avalugg, especially when shields are down. Finally, Incinerate's long duration can be unforgiving, making it difficult for Ho-Oh to switch out to catch its opponent's move, and can leave it vulnerable to getting sniped down by high damage fast moves at low HP.

Purification Cost
20 Candy + 20,000 Stardust
Second Charge Move Cost
100,000 Stardust + 100 Candy
Flee Rate
4 %
Buddy Distance
20 KM
Catch Rate
2 %
Female Ratio
Male Ratio