
PvE Analysis
Even after years since its release, and with Sacred Fire being introduced into the game, Ho-Oh remains just disappointingly adequate in raid viability. Its strong stats and resistances allow it to be used in many raids, but it is often outclassed by many other Fire-type options. Sacred Fire's parameters are nothing to write home about, being not much better than the existing Fire Blast. Ho-Oh is best used against Grass- and Bug- type raid bosses, as they are weak to both Incinerate and Brave Bird, its best attacks. Additionally, if you are lucky with the Hidden Power roulette, Ho-Oh is actually a fairly competent Flying-type attacker. However, bosses where Flying is optimal is rather scarce.
For those who bought the GO Tour: Johto ticket, Apex Shadow Ho-Oh is available as one of the rewards in the Masterwork Research. It comes with the exclusive move Sacred Fire+, and said move becomes Sacred Fire++ when Ho-Oh is purified. With this move, Apex Purified Ho-Oh becomes a competent Fire-type attacker, with a performance surpassing Moltres. However, purifying Apex Shadow Ho-Oh results in a significant decrease in DPS despite the move's upgrade. As Apex Shadow Ho-Oh is one of the best Fire-type attackers in the game, and players will only receive one, purifying it is not recommended.
Best PvE Offensive Moveset
Incinerate + Sacred Fire or Sacred Fire ++ | Best |
Incinerate is the best fast move available due to STAB.
Extrasensory is better for effectiveness vs. Fighting-types specifically.
Hidden Power is only viable if it is Flying type. Otherwise, Incinerate or even Extrasensory are better options.
Steel Wing is mostly useless.
Sacred Fire++ is exclusive to Apex Purified Ho-Oh, and makes Ho-Oh a competent Fire-type attacker. However, Ho-Oh's performance drops when it is purified.
For all other Ho-Oh, Sacred Fire remains the best Fire-type charge move at its disposal. However, its performance is rather lacking.
Brave Bird is the best charge move available, and benefits from STAB.
Fire Blast is much slower and doesn't perform as well, except against Ice or Steel-types. It is also outclassed by Sacred Fire.
Solar Beam is the charged move of choice against Water, Ground, and Rock-type Pokemon, but lacks STAB.
Earthquake is a bit of an awkward move on attack for Ho-oh and doesn't do much for it.
PvP Analysis
Incinerate + Sacred Fire* and Brave Bird |
Incinerate is Ho-Oh's only viable fast move option due to its high STAB damage and energy generation, though it is quite cumbersome being a 5 turn fast move. Extrasensory and Steel Wing are both inferior choices by a considerable margin, though they don't suffer nearly as much from the slow animation that Incinerate has. Hidden Power is not a great attack in PVP, but it can have some niche utility on Ho-Oh if given the proper typing.
Brave Bird demands quite a bit of energy, but is the cheapest charge move available to Ho-Oh. While its self-debuff makes it somewhat risky, its high STAB damage makes it considerably threatening if unshielded. Sacred Fire is a very powerful STAB move with a 50% Attack debuff chance, and burns down Steel-type targets. Earthquake provides coverage against Rock types and certain targets such as Zekrom. Solar Beam and Fire Blast are among the most expensive charge moves in the game energy-wise, but the former provides coverage against Water and Rock Pokemon that Ho-Oh can struggle against, while the latter is best avoided because it is completely outclassed by Sacred Fire.
Great League | |
Ho-Oh can only join the Great League if obtained as a research breakthrough reward and traded afterwards to reroll its IVs. This makes Ho-Oh very costly and unlikely to have a shot at Great League, but nonetheless it has its niches. Being more slightly more bulky than Charizard is attractive as a Fire/Flying type, but access to slow charge moves often causes Ho-Oh to lose matchups if the opponent commits 2 shields. Overall Ho-Oh is mostly a one-trick-pony that has a lot of potential when shields are down, but otherwise can struggle compared to other meta picks. Ho-Oh also faces stiff competition from Talonflame, who possesses similar stats and moves, but can pressure shields more effectively with Flame Charge. | |
Ultra League | |
Ho-Oh has better performance in the Ultra League, where it starts to wield the only real advantage afforded to it; a good stat-spread. Here, it acts primarily as a closer, using its powerful but slow charged moves to finish off opponents lacking shields. It also has good matchups against tier-relevant pokemon such as Alolan Muk, Venusaur, and Registeel. Due to its double weakness however, Pokemon with Rock-type coverage tend to counter Ho-Oh, while Water and Dragon Pokemon are also quite common in this league. Like with Great League, Ho-Oh also faces competition with Talonflame in Ultra League, perhaps even moreso. | |
Master League | |
Ho-Oh shines brightest in the Master League, now being able to make full use of its great stats. Its relatively unique Fire/Flying typing presents it with key resistances to Fairy-, Fighting-, Steel-, and Ground-type attacks, allowing Ho-Oh to take on Primarina, Dusk Mane Necrozma, Xerneas, and Dialga. It is a valuable partner to Dragon-type Pokemon thanks to its matchup spread, and in turn they protect it from its nemesis: Kyogre. Thanks to the sheer power of its moveset and its strong stats and typing, Ho-Oh is adept at finding opportunities to farm down opponents and launching devastating Charged Attacks that are incredibly difficult to wall. While Ho-Oh packs an incredibly potent closing and hit-and-run capabilities, it does often find itself struggling against shields due to taxing side effects of its charge moves. Ho-Oh additionally has trouble against some of the metagame's titans, such as Kyogre, both formes of Giratina, Zekrom, and Palkia. Its double weakness to Rock-type attacks can leave it vulnerable to Landorus-T and Hisuian Avalugg, especially when shields are down. Finally, Incinerate's long duration can be unforgiving, making it difficult for Ho-Oh to switch out to catch its opponent's move, and can leave it vulnerable to getting sniped down by high damage fast moves at low HP. |