
Shadow Magnezone

Lvl 50Max CP
Lvl 40
Lvl 25Weather Boost
Lvl 20Raids/Eggs
Lvl 15Research

PvE Analysis

Shadow Magnezone is generally one of the best TDO options among Electric Types thanks to its laundry list of resistances. However, it also sports a very high DPS as well. In many raids, it has the potential to be the best possible option in terms of overall performance. It is definitely worth raising, and will greatly buff any raid team that has it.

Best PvE Offensive Moveset

SparkSpark + Wild ChargeWild ChargeBest
Metal SoundMetal Sound + Flash CannonFlash CannonGreat
  • Shadow Magnezone's strongest moveset is Spark and Wild Charge, making it a powerful Electric Type attacker.
  • Metal Sound and Flash Cannon can allow Shadow Magnezone to operate as a Steel Type attacker.
  • Volt Switch is a bit below Spark in terms of performance, but really falls off in comparative practice due to how slow it is.
  • Charge Beam is easily the weakest of the three Fast Move options.
  • Zap Cannon falls off hard compared to Wild Charge.
  • Mirror Shot has no utility on an offensive Shadow Magnezone.

Best PvE Defensive Moveset

Volt SwitchVolt Switch + Mirror ShotMirror Shot or Wild ChargeWild ChargeBest
  • Volt Switch is one of the strongest Fast Moves in the game for defense, making it the go-to option.
  • Charge Beam is second-place by a fairly large margin, while Spark is genuinely below the competition
  • Mirror Shot is the Charged Move of choice due to its solid power post-STAB and low energy cost.
  • Wild Charge is powerful and comes out fairly frequently, but using it alongside Volt Switch makes Shadow Magnezone even weaker to Ground Types.
  • Zap Cannon and Flash Cannon should be TM'd away.

PvP Analysis

Volt Switch outclasses all of Magnezone's other Fast Attack options in terms of both DPT and EPT.

Wild Charge is the main highlight of Magnezone, dealing out big damage with a very respectable 1.8 DPE (Damage Per Energy). Flash Cannon provides strong Steel-type coverage, but its high energy cost is discouraging. Zap Cannon costs an insane 80 energy to use, which might be too risky considering Magnezone's unexciting bulk. The addition of Mirror Shot from the Dec 11, 2019 rebalance gives Magnezone a low energy charge move that is useful for baiting shields. 

Great League3 / 5

Although fragile, Magnezone sees play thanks to its incredible damage potential between Volt Switch and Wild Charge. Its Steel typing provides it with many useful resistances, allowing it to overcome its frailty. In addition to countering Water- and Flying-type Pokemon, Magnezone can shred apart some of Great League's finest tanks such as Bastiodon and Registeel, provided that it can hide being shields. With that said, Magnezone will fold VERY quickly to super effective Fast Attack pressure, such as just about any Counter, Incinerate, or even Mud Shot.

Shadow Magnezone is often the preferred option. With the Shadow boost, Magnezone's Wild Charge is capable of tearing gaping holes even against Gligar, Whiscash, and Quagsire, all of which are tanky Pokemon that resist Electric.

Ultra League3.5 / 5

Despite performing well against most Pokemon allowed in Ultra League, Magnezone returns mixed results against more popular meta picks, including damning losses against Registeel and Giratina. Formats such as the GBL Premier Cup tend to be more favorable for Magnezone for that reason. Due to its reliance on charge moves for any real damage output, Magnezone's performance decreases dramatically when both shields are in play. Magnezone could potentially be given a higher rating overall, but popular usage of Swampert is very scary for Magnezone. 

Master League2 / 5
This Pokemon is not viable in the open Master League, as its low stats mean that even Kyogre is a massive issue. The high presence of Ground- and Dragon-type Legendary Pokemon can also soak up Magnezone's hits easily. However, Magnezone finds its place in Master Premier where it does not have to deal with these legendaries. There, it can simultaneously break apart Gyarados and Fairy-type Pokemon, landing itself a comfortable niche.
Purification Cost
3 Candy + 3,000 Stardust
Flee Rate
Buddy Distance
3 KM
Catch Rate
Female Ratio
Male Ratio