
Shadow Chandelure

Lvl 50Max CP
Lvl 40
Lvl 25Weather Boost
Lvl 20Raids/Eggs
Lvl 15Research

PvE Analysis

Shadow Chandelure casts a very large shadow on Pokemon Go as a whole. It's one of the best attackers in the entire game for two very useful types, meaning it will see real utility for anyone that makes the investment. 

Best PvE Offensive Moveset

Fire Spin + OverheatBest
Hex + Shadow BallBest
  • Fire Spin pairs with Overheat to maximize Shadow Chandelure's performance as a Fire Type attacker and allow it to stand shoulder-to-shoulder with many of the game's top attackers within the type.
  • Hex pairs with Shadow Ball to make Chandelure an outstanding Ghost Type attacker, standing as one of the best.
  • Incinerate is notoriously slow and weaker than Fire Spin in practice generally speaking
  • Flame Charge is a poor tool for an offensive Chandelure
  • Energy Ball has no use on Chandelure, TM this. 
  • Poltergeist* is an underwhelming option for Ghost Type damage. Stick with Shadow Ball.

Best PvE Defensive Moveset

Incinerate + Shadow Ball or Energy BallBest
  • Incinerate hits hardest on defense and is the superior to Hex and Fire Spin. 
  • Shadow Ball has the earliest damage window and also provides mostly neutral coverage. 
  • Flame Charge is great for its low cost, allowing it to come out very often
  • Energy Ball is the easiest to dodge and deals the least amount of damage, but also has counter-coverage against Water and Rock Types
  • Overheat might not be used before Shadow Chandelure faints as a 1-bar move.
  • Poltergeist* has the same issue as Overheat while simultaneously being out-performed by Shadow Ball. Skip this move. 

PvP Analysis

Incinerate + Shadow Ball & Flame Charge

Incinerate is a powerful move in pvp, scoring large amounts of damage in short order. It pairs well with Flame Charge, which is a relatively spammable move, and Shadow Ball for hard-hitting damage.

Great League0 / 5
Chandelure is pretty heavily skewed towards Attack, meaning its Stat Total tends to be pretty low. Combine this with a relatively slow moveset, and Chandelure drops pretty fast.
Ultra League0 / 5
There are great Ghosts in the Ultra League, and Chandelure is not one of them.
Master League0 / 5
Chandelure gets its lights shut down pretty quickly in the Master League.

Second Charge Move Cost
75,000 Stardust + 75 Candy
Flee Rate
10 %
Buddy Distance
5 KM
Catch Rate
5 %
Female Ratio
Male Ratio