
PvE Analysis
Guzzlord falls behind on offense for the most part, though it's better as a Dark Type.
Best PvE Offensive Moveset
- Snarl and Brutal Swing work together to make Guzzlord's best offensive set.
- Dragon Tail and Dragon Claw are usable, but they definitely fall behind other Dragons by a large margin.
- Crunch and Sludge Bomb are inferior.
PvP Analysis
Amazing Fast Move? Check. Strong and low-energy STAB Charged Moves? Double check. Ladies and gentlemen, we've got a spammy little monster here!
Guzzlord's entire schtick here is the ability to come in and quickly generate energy with Dragon Tail (which has excellent fast move pressure to boot), then spam the heck out of Brutal Swing, granting it great neutral coverage and solid damage output despite its low Attack stat. While Snarl is far from a bad move, its lack of damage compared to the marginal energy gains it receives makes it a bit of a waste. One of Guzzlord's major issues is the fact that it's hard-walled by Fairy Types, which will be able to farm it down very quickly with Charm or Fairy Wind alone, so it's also worth considering Sludge Bomb for "hail-Mary" coverage, as well as improving matchups against Grass types. Do be noted that Sludge Bomb has underwhelming damage output without STAB and fails to actually beat any Fairy types as Guzzlord simply faints too quickly to repeatedly use it.
Alternatively, to avoid being walled by the many Dark/Poisons and to compensate for Sludge Bomb's underwhelming damage output, Dragon Claw can be run instead of Brutal Swing, with Crunch granting Guzzlord some closing power and a valuable chance at a defense debuff. While Sludge Bomb can hypothetically be run in Crunch's place, this is not recommended as Guzzlord becomes hard walled by Steel types.
Great League | ||
Guzzlord has some strong niches in the Great League. It sets itself apart from other Dragon-types through its Dark typing, which it can make great use of both offensively and defensively. It's adept at handling opposing Dark- and Ghost-type Pokemon such as Mandibuzz, Drapion, or Sableye. Statwise, its titanic HP makes it genuinely bulky despite its double-digit Defense stat, and its moveset is very spammy and strong with great neutral coverage. This, when combined with its numerous resistances, makes it a very threatening Pokemon to face down when it's able to go on a rampage. However, Guzzlord also has to be extremely careful and requires good team support, as leaving it trapped against any Fairy type is basically a death sentence. You've got to play carefully with Guzzlord, but it can definitely pay off if you can manage your opponent's would-be counters well. | ||
Ultra League | ||
Ultra League Guzzlord once again makes great use of its resistances here, acting as a roadblock to various meta threats such as Giratina, Trevenant, Talonflame, Drapion, and Galarian Moltres. Its good bulk, spammy moveset, and wide coverage allows it to act as an incredible generalist and tank. That said, its weaknesses are still glaring, and it should not be thrown into battle carelessly. Guzzlord also does have to deal with a few extra threats that are not present in the Great League, namely Cobalion (which totally walls it) and Virizion (although Guzzlord has a narrow out when carrying Sludge Bomb). | ||
Master League | ||
Unfortunately, Guzzlord's stats aren't quite up to par for this league, not to mention the plethora of stronger Dark- and Dragon-type options. |