
Shadow Moltres

Lvl 50Max CP
Lvl 40
Lvl 25Weather Boost
Lvl 20Raids/Eggs
Lvl 15Research

PvE Analysis

Shadow Moltres is one of the top Shadows in the game, and one of the top Pokemon in general. It sits near the top of the Flying and Fire DPS charts easily, and has held its place very well since its release. This is a pricey investment, but one that will definitely pay off for your Flying and Fire teams alike.

Best PvE Offensive Moveset

Wing Attack + Sky Attack*Best
Fire Spin + OverheatBest
Fire Spin + Sky AttackSituational
  • Fire Spin is the best fast move for Moltres, and benefits from STAB.
  • Wing Attack is inferior against Grass and Bug-types, but leaps ahead against Fighting-types. 
  • Sky Attack* ranks among the best Charged Attacks in the game, and is the the highest DPS attack that Moltres has, even when it overlaps with Overheat. For targets weak to Fire and Flying, pairing it with Fire Spin is the way to go.
  • Overheat is Moltres’s second best charge move, and the best move against Ice and Steel Types.
  • Fire Blast is a down-grade to Overheat.
  • Heat Wave isn’t worth mentioning.

PvP Analysis

Wing Attack or Fire Spin + Sky Attack* and Overheat

Fire Spin is the preferred fast move, with more damage output than Wing Attack and slightly less energy gain. Wing Attack has somewhat of a niche if Fire Spin would be resisted, but otherwise is inferior. 

Sky Attack is the primary charge move for Moltres, sporting good power and costing less energy than other charge moves. Ancient Power ties for the lowest energy cost among Moltres' charge moves, and also provides wide coverage. Overheat threatens massive damage at the cost of a self-debuff, and its coverage can be useful against common Steel-types. 

Great League0 / 5

The restricted CP of this league hurts Moltres substantially due to a very high ATK stat, as well as its weakness to many common coverage types, in particular anything Rock-type. It should be noted that Sky Attack is not available in this league due to it being exclusive to Moltres's raid event, which results in negligible viability in this league. 

Ultra League2 / 5

Moltres isn't great in the Ultra League. While it has dominant matchups against common threats such as Registeel, Escavalier, and Charmers, its incredibly low bulk and weakness to things like Giratina, Cresselia, and Swampert leave it an incredibly underwhelming pick. Consider leaving this bird on the bench in favor of something like Charizard.

Master League2.5 / 5

Moltres is underwhelming in the Master League. While it can handle things like Metagross, Groudon, and Togekiss, its matchups just aren't worth it. Ho-Oh works this typing better.

Purification Cost
20 Candy + 20,000 Stardust
Flee Rate
Buddy Distance
20 KM
Catch Rate
Female Ratio
Male Ratio