Attackers Tier List

Great League PVP Tier List

Ultra League PVP Tier List

Master League PVP Tier List

Dynamax Tier List

Zapdos Raid Guide
Best counters to Zapdos

Heatran Raid Guide
The best Counters to Heatran

Mega Absol Raid Day
Mega Absol is getting its very own raid day!

Mega Absol Raid Guide
Best Counters to Mega Absol

Mega Audino Raid Day
Mega Audino is getting its very own raid day!

The Stunning Styles Event Begins April 3
Tauros is ready to join us once again,

Deep Depths
Nickit sneaks its way into Pokemon Go!

Tapu Koko Raid Guide
Best counters to Tapu Koko

Niantic Reportedly In Talks to Sell Pokemon Go
Pokemon Go and Niantic's Gaming Division Could be Sold to Scopely

March Community Day Classic: Totodile
March community day classic has been announced, and it puts Totodile in the spotlight!
All non-Dynamax/Gigantamax Raid Guides for January, 2025 have been added, but will be updated as we draw closer to their respective Raid Bosses to include more information on Supreme counters.
Great League PVP Tier List,
Ultra League PVP Tier List, and
Master League PVP Tier List have all been purged. Updates to these lists will be soon underway.

All Gigantamax Formes added to the database:
Gigantamax Butterfree,
Gigantamax Pikachu,
Gigantamax Meowth,
Gigantamax Machamp,
Gigantamax Gengar,
Gigantamax Kingler,
Gigantamax Lapras,
Gigantamax Eevee,
Gigantamax Snorlax,
Gigantamax Garbodor,
Gigantamax Melmetal,
Gigantamax Rilaboom,
Gigantamax Cinderace,
Gigantamax Inteleon,
Gigantamax Corviknight,
Gigantamax Orbeetle,
Gigantamax Drednaw,
Gigantamax Coalossal,
Gigantamax Flapple,
Gigantamax Appletun,
Gigantamax Sandaconda,
Gigantamax Toxtricity,
Gigantamax Centiskorch,
Gigantamax Hatterene,
Gigantamax Alcremie,
Gigantamax Copperajah,
Gigantamax Duraludon,
Gigantamax Urshifu - Single Strike Style,
Gigantamax Urshifu - Rapid Strike Style

All Current and Future G-Max Moves added to the database.
Gigantamax Venusaur,
Gigantamax Charizard, and
Gigantamax Blastoise added to the database with ratings and descriptions.
