Mega Aerodactyl

PvE Analysis
Mega Aerodactyl was the first Mega Pokemon introduced to the game that directly supported Rock-type Pokemon. While it has no Flying-type moves, which is unfortunate, it's still a very welcome addition to any trainer's arsenal thanks to the valuable offensive coverage of Rock typing, even though it is outclassed by Mega Tyranitar and Mega Diancie nowadays.
Best PvE Offensive Moveset
Rock Throw + Rock Slide | Best |
Steel Wing + Iron Head | Good |
Rock Throw is Mega Aerodactyl's only STAB option, which makes it the best.
Steel Wing is slightly better than Bite; but neither should be used and are worth using Fast TMs for.
Rock Slide is Mega Aerodactyl’s best charge move. Ancient Power performs a bit worse on offense.
Steel Wing can be paired with Iron Head, but it's better to use a Steel-type attacker instead. However, it's not great in this role.
Hyper Beam is a weak pick, lacking any relevant coverage.
Earth Power in an odd choice since it lacks STAB.