
PvE Analysis
The Disaster Pokemon has one of the highest Atk stats of Gen 3, but otherwise doesn’t have the best bulk. Absol doesn’t quite reach the power of many of the better Dark Types, but access to Brutal Swing in March 2025 helped it tremendously and made it at least an okay attacker, for a change.
Best PvE Offensive Moveset
Best |
- Snarl is superior to Psycho Cut due to having STAB and more relevant coverage.
- Dark Pulse is superior to both Megahorn and Thunder for similar reasons, but it's still inferior to Brutal Swing*.
- Payback is a step down.
Best PvE Defensive Moveset
Best |
- Snarl is superior to Psycho Cut due to its significantly higher base damage.
- Brutal Swing* takes the cake due to how frequently it comes out.
- Dark Pulse is superior to Megahorn due to having STAB, an earlier dodge window, slightly better coverage, and a lower energy cost.
- Payback is a downgrade due to it being a 1-bar move.
- Thunder also has an early dodge window, but is underwhelming in every aspect.
PvP Analysis
Snarl falls behind Psycho Cut slightly in energy gains, but offers significantly more damage output thanks to STAB. The latter can be chosen if that slightly extra energy generation is needed.
Brutal Swing* costs the least amount of energy and benefits from STAB to provide Dark-type coverage. Payback is less desirable due to its greater energy cost. Megahorn provides Bug-type coverage and costs slightly less energy than Thunder, while the latter offers Electric-type coverage. Either can be chosen depending on what coverage would be more preferable.
Great League | |
Absol is the definition of "glass cannon" in PvP, with extremely fragile bulk almost identical to that of Gengar's. Since Absol can't tank damage very well (if at all), Absol demands shields to perform well, though shields won't save it from Pokemon with strong fast move damage output like Deoxys Defense Forme or Altaria. Pokemon with emphasis on charge moves instead of fast move damage tend to be better matchups for Absol, though Absol tends to lose more often than not due to its poor bulk. Overall Absol shouldn't be used for PvP, and if it intends to compete then specific PvP formats that limit its weaknesses would be more ideal. | |
Ultra League | |
Absol doesn't get any ratings for Ultra League due to its inability to consistently perform in its role as a Dark-type. Losses against Giratina-Altered, Cresselia, Armored Mewtwo, Gengar, and struggles vs Gallade despite doubly resisting its fast move makes it very hard to justify Absol compared to other meta Dark-types. Wins against Giratina-Origin, Drifblim, Slowbro and Bronzong are to be expected, but losing against several opponents even when given a typing advantage is a really hard pill to swallow. | |
Master League | |
Absol lacks stats for Master League, with no real clean wins against the meta. |