
PvE Analysis
Primeape is a Machamp substitute with passable Atk but no bulk to speak of. Though the Fighting type is in high demand, type effectiveness isn’t enough to compensate for Primeape’s disappointing stats.
Best PvE Offensive Moveset
Counter + Cross Chop* | Best |
Counter + Close Combat | Great |
Counter is clearly superior to Low Kick and Karate Chop due to having a higher power and minimal extra cast time.
Close Combat is superior to Low Sweep due to the damage disparity.
Cross Chop*, an Elite move, is a good consideration if you’re lucky.
Night Slash isn’t an effective move for Primeape on offense. Use your TM here.
Ice Punch lacks STAB and doesn't suit Primeape's offensive role.
Best PvE Defensive Moveset
Counter + Night Slash or Ice Punch | Best |
Counter is Primeape’s best fast move on defense for its high base damage.
Night Slash counters Primeape’s common Psychic-type weakness and is optimal for defense.
Ice Punch is also viable for defense due to its wide coverage, especially against Flying-type atackers.
Low Sweep is Primeape’s next best charge move on defense due to low energy cost. Cross Chop* requires more energy, but is harder to react to.
Close Combat takes too long to charge for effective usage.
PvP Analysis
Karate Chop + Rage Fist* and Close Combat |
Karate Chop is one of the best fast moves in the game, and are superior to Primeape's other fast moves. Counter was once Primeape's best option, but it received a significant nerf on September 2024.
Rage Fist* is a huge reason to run Primeape over other most Fighting-type options; the combination of Karate Chop's immense energy gain and Rage Fist's very low cost allows Primeape to maintain consistent pressure against Ghost- and Psychic-type opponents. Cross Chop* requires an Elite TM, but is valuable due to its very low energy cost and benefiting from STAB. Close Combat is a very powerful but riskier move due to its self-debuff, but 45 energy isn't too steep for Primeape, and can be very effective in hit-and-run tactics or as finisher moves. Ice Punch provides wide coverage, including against Primeape's weakness to Flying-types, and doesn't cost a lot of energy. Low Sweep is terrible, TM this. Night Slash was once a staple move on Primeape, but it is now completely outclassed by Rage Fist.
For a short time, Primeape could learn Weather Ball Water. This was an error and was quickly fixed, but it was nonetheless quite funny.
Great League | / 5 |
Primeape is a mono-Fighting type with somewhat poor bulk, but a lightning-fast moveset. Access to one of the best fast moves, Karate Chop, gives Primeape a lot of strength as a Fighting-type, and access to 35 Energy Charged Attacks allow it to pressure shields quickly. This is further complemented by Primeape's access to the powerful Close Combat, punishing any opponent who shy away from shielding its cheaper Charged Attacks. Primeape gained the extremely potent Rage Fist during its Community Day; its low cost, nearly-perfect coverage, and Attack boosts can turn Primeape into an absolutely horrifying lategame sweeper. This move also helps separate Primeape from other Fighting-type Pokemon such as Pangoro and Machamp. However, its evolution, Annihilape, also received the move, so Primeape does still have some competition. Nonetheless, Primeape's access to Karate Chop still sets it apart from Annihilape. | |
Ultra League | / 5 |
The level 50 update improves Primeape's performance in Ultra League significantly. Primeape competes with Machamp very closely, and has similar results, but sports slightly worse bulk while offering faster coverage options. Incredibly speedy Rage Fists is still Primeape's trump card compared to most other Fighting-type Pokemon. | |
Master League | / 5 |
Primeape severely lacks the stats that it desperately needs to compete well in Master League, with numerous Pokemon boasting significantly higher stats and CP. |