Mega Alakazam

PvE Analysis
Mega Alakazam is powerful.... really powerful. This mystical Pokemon sports one of the absolute strongest Attack stats in the entire game, and a great moveset as well, making it one of the absolute go-to Pokemon when Psychic Type damage is called for, and even a reasonable option for many of its coverage types. While destined to be entirely outclassed when Mega Mewtwo Y drops, this is still a great budget Mega that will serve a powerful role when needed.
Best PvE Offensive Moveset
Confusion or Psycho Cut + Psychic* | Best |
Confusion or Psycho Cut + Future Sight | Great |
Counter* + Focus Blast | Good |
Confusion’s higher DPS makes it objectively better than Psycho Cut. However, due to its shorter cooldown, many players prefer Psycho Cut.
Focus Blast pairs with Counter and gives Mega Alakazam some great type coverage over meta relevant Pokemon such as Blissey, Snorlax, and Lapras, though it's weaker in this role than actual fighting types if not Shadow.
Psychic* is a no-brainer here, sporting the best power that Mega Alakazam can muster while being a 2 bar move. Future Sight just falls short.
Shadow Ball is useful against Psychic and Ghost-type raid bosses, though this is less valuable than it once was.
- Dazzling Gleam and Fire Punch are largely underwhelming.