Mega Garchomp

PvE Analysis
Mega Garchomp is in a bit of an odd position. It's an amazing Pokemon with a ton of power behind its threatening appearance, but it's also competing in two of the most contested Mega Evolution metas in the game: Dragon and Ground. With competition like Mega Rayquaza and Primal Groudon, it's pretty hard for Mega Garchomp to stand out.
But don't let the competition overshadow Mega Garchomp, as this is still a monster that can work in both of its types extremely well, meaning investing in it will net a lot of coverage. It's also an optimal TDO counter against Electric Types, as it triple-resists Electric Type attacks, meaning it's likely to stay alive for a very long time.
Honestly, Mega Garchomp is definitely overshadowed, but it's still great in its own right!
Best PvE Offensive Moveset
Dragon Tail + Outrage | Best |
Mud Shot + Earth Power* | Best |
- Dragon Tail and Outrage is outstanding for making Mega Garchomp a powerful Dragon Type Mega Evolution.
- Mud Shot and Earth Power* is the way to go if you're after a powerful Ground Type Mega Evolution.
- Earthquake is okay, but definitely weaker.
- Fire Blast and Sand Tomb are easy to TM away.