Mega Lucario

PvE Analysis
Say hello to the king of Fighting types! The long anticipated Mega Lucario has arrived to Pokemon GO, bringing with it such a ferocious Fighting-type DPS that makes the previous top contenders Mega Blaziken and Mega Heracross look like chumps. Not only that, its typing is extremely useful - it can simultaneously function as a top counter to Steel-type raid bosses and gain increased Candy XL when catching them.
Mega Lucario's main drawback is that it is rather fragile, so it may not be able to maintain its Mega "Aura" bonus as long as the much tankier Mega Heracross. This in turn means that it may not produce the highest overall group DPS in larger lobbies. However, for those who are more concerned about their own personal DPS, this drawback is much less of a problem.
As a Steel attacker, Mega Lucario is rather underwhelming, but still currently very worth considering. Just don't TM away Force Palm!
Best PvE Offensive Moveset
Force Palm* + Aura Sphere | Best |
- Aura Sphere is Mega Lucario's best charge move by far, and should be paired with Force Palm*. Counter works as a slightly weaker alternative if you don't have access to Force Palm.
Bullet Punch and Flash Cannon can work for a Steel moveset, but it is underwhelming.
Close Combat, Shadow Ball, Blaze Kick, Thunder Punch and Power-Up Punch aren't worth using offensively.