
PvE Analysis
Baxcalibur definitely lucked out! While it had almost no shot at being good as a Dragon type due to its competition, it managed to get a great moveset for Ice, which means it's one of the best non-Shadow/Mega Ice Type attackers in the entire game. That said, its Dragon typing is something of a double-edged sword for Baxcalibur; yes, it grants it a plethora of strong resistances that can be extremely helpful against many raids with a double-weakness to Ice, but among those types is Dragon itself, meaning it's going to have lower average performance against monsters like Rayquaza that are preyed on by Baxcalibur and its icy compatriots. For this reason, Baxcalibur is a bit of a trade-off Pokemon that can find genuine utility, but won't always be the optimal choice.
It's also worth mentioning that Baxcalibur may have additional Dragon utility in the power, as in the main series it has a Dragon Type Signature Move by the name of Glaive Rush.
Best PvE Offensive Moveset
Ice Fang + Avalanche | Best |
Dragon Breath + Outrage | Okay |
- Ice Fang and Avalanche makes Baxcalibur a genuinely strong Ice Type attacker, and should even be used over either of its top Dragon options.
- Dragon Breath and Outrage is the moveset of choice if you want to use Baxcalubur for Dragon damage, but its Ice Type moveset is always going to be superior.
- Blizzard and Dragon Claw fall behind.
Best PvE Defensive Moveset
Ice Fang + Dragon Claw or Outrage | Best |
- Ice Fang is the defensive Fast Move of choice, and it pairs best with Dragon Claw.
- Outrage is very strong as well, but it's easier to dodge and takes more energy to launch, making it a good but inferior choice.
- Dragon Breath is substantially weaker on defense
- Avalanche is a great move, but combining it with Ice Fang makes Baxcalibur that much easier to wall on defense.
- Blizzard is way too slow.
PvP Analysis
Ice Fang or Dragon Breath + Dragon Claw and Avalanche or Icy Wind |
Either Dragon Breath or Ice Fang are viable Fast Attack choices depending on the metagame. In the Master League, where Baxcalibur is at its strongest, Ice Fang is preferred in order to give Baxcalibur a distinct niche in the sea of powerful Dragon-type competitors.
Dragon Claw + either of its Fast Attacks is a classic spammy combination and serves as the bread and butter of Baxcalibur's damage output. Avalanche is one of the best Charged Attacks in the game thanks to its incredible DPE and moderately low cost; it also benefits from Baxcalibur's secondary STAB and provides coverage against various Fairy-, Flying- and Ground-type Pokemon. Icy Wind can be used over Avalanche for more utility thanks to its guaranteed Attack debuff; it is best used with Ice Fang to make up for it having considerably lower Ice-type DPE. Outrage is a good move, but it can't viably replace either Dragon Claw's spamminess or Avalanche's coverage. Blizzard is just too expensive and is practically inferior to Avalanche in every way
Great League | |
Generally speaking, Arctibax is a superior choice in this league due to it sporting a superior stat product than Baxcalibur while maintaining the same moveset. | |
Ultra League | |
Baxcalibur's matchups vs top threats aren't ideal; its strong moveset is held back by Baxcalibur's overall glassiness, weaknesses, and competition from other Dragon-type threats such as Dragonite, Giratina-A, and Zygarde-C. It also competes with Kyurem, whose access to Glaciate arguably makes it a better overall Pokemon. With that said, Avalanche is still a crazy strong move, and Baxcalibur packs more closing power as a result. | |
Master League | |
With the removal of the CP cap, Baxcalibur can shine brightest in this league. Baxcalibur sets itself apart from other Dragon-type options thanks to its access to Ice Fang, preying on the numerous Ice-weak Pokemon in the meta. Most Fairy-type Pokemon will also struggle to deal with Baxcalibur in the 2-shields thanks to Ice Fang's relentless pressure. However, Baxcalibur is greatly outclassed by White Kyurem as an Ice Fang user. Kyurem's far superior stats and ability to pressure Steel-type Pokemon with Fusion Flare are much more valuable than Baxcalibur's faster pacing. Therefore, Baxcalibur is best used in Master Premier, where is does not have competition with White Kyurem at its role. |