Lvl 50Max CP
Lvl 40
Lvl 25Weather Boost
Lvl 20Raids/Eggs
Lvl 15Research

PvE Analysis

Mandibuzz is more hyped for PvP than for PvE. A poor ATK stat for gyms and raids leaves little use in PvE for this bird. Its respectable DEF and STA stats make it a decent defender for gyms, though Air Slash is probably recommended for that role due to common Fighting-type attackers. Better to use Mandibuzz for PvP, where it really shines. 

Best PvE Offensive Moveset

SnarlSnarl + Foul PlayFoul PlayBest
Air SlashAir Slash + Aerial AceAerial AceBest
  • Snarl performs the best, and should be paired with Dark-type charge moves for that role.
  • Air Slash should pair with Aerial Ace for the Flying-type role. 
  • Foul Play performs better than Dark Pulse due to its much shorter cooldown animation.
  • Shadow Ball is very strong even without STAB, but is slightly behind Foul Play

Best PvE Defensive Moveset

  • Air Slash deals slightly more damage on defense.
  • Snarl generates slightly more energy on defense. 
  • Aerial Ace can be spammed frequently, being a 3-bar move, but doesn't hit very hard.
  • Dark Pulse is slightly better on defense than Foul Play due to its higher base power and earlier damage window.
  • Shadow Ball hits hard for neutral damage, but is the slowest and easiest to dodge. 

PvP Analysis

Snarl is preferred for its high energy generation, letting Mandibuzz access its charge moves sooner. Air Slash sports greater damage output and offers Flying-type coverage, but falls behind in energy gains.

Aerial Ace isn't particularly a strong move, but offers STAB Flying-type coverage and is its cheapest Charged Attack. Dark Pulse and Foul Play are both good Dark STAB options, but Dark Pulse is often preferred due to its higher DPE, and Aerial Ace already covers Mandibuzz's need for a low cost move. Shadow Ball lacks STAB with Mandibuzz.

Great League5 / 5

Mandibuzz has been hyped ever since Gen 5 was announced for Pokemon Go, for various reasons. Its stat distribution features high bulk, while its moveset allows it to perform very similarly to Umbreon, another popular pick in the meta. Access to Flying typing and coverage gives Mandibuzz useful tools against common Grass and Fighting-types in the meta. As a Dark/Flying type, not taking Super Effective damage from Fighting-types while countering them with Flying-type attacks gives Mandibuzz an edge as a Dark-type. The loss of Sky Attack from the first Gen 5 datamine is unfortunate, but perhaps it's a reasonable nerf to keep Mandibuzz from breaking the meta. 

Ultra League4.5 / 5

Level 50 has allowed Mandibuzz to see a lot more play in Ultra League. Much like in Great League, it's kinda just Flying Umbreon, with rapid fire Snarl+Foul Play spam and incredible bulk. The additional Flying-type provides it some advantages (only takes neutral from Counter), but also some obvious disadvantages (takes Super Effective damage from Ice/Rock). That said, it's absolutely worth considering for a spot on your team if you can afford it!

Master League0 / 5

Mandibuzz lacks stats for Master League. 

Second Charge Move Cost
75,000 Stardust + 75 Candy
Flee Rate
10 %
Buddy Distance
5 KM
Catch Rate
15 %
Female Ratio
Male Ratio