
PvE Analysis
Dusclops and its Gen 4 evolution, Dusknoir, were popular in their debuting generations due to their Ghost-typing and massive defenses, making them premier walls. Despite having one of the highest Def stats in the game, Dusclops is held back in GO by its abysmal HP, having overall bulk comparable to Onix. Dusclops had tricks up its sleeve in the main series games, but GO doesn’t have such tricks. Dusclops’s low demotivation rate combined with its high Def makes it a decent candidate for long term gym defense. Because of its awful HP, it’s less effective at this than, say, Wobbuffet.
Best PvE Offensive Moveset
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Hex is on par with Feint Attack, with both having similar coverage, DPS, and EPS.
- Shadow Punch is the only viable charge move if you want to attack with Dusclops (why though?).
Best PvE Defensive Moveset
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Hex beats out Feint Attack, netting higher damage and energy gain.
Shadow Punch is on par with Ice Punch; the former has STAB and wide neutral coverage, the latter hits Dragonite harder.
- Fire Punch isn’t that much worse, but it’s easier to dodge and covers fewer types.
PvP Analysis
Best |
Feint Attack or Hex + Shadow Punch and Ice Punch or Fire Punch
Feint Attack (3.0 DPT, 3.0 EPT) and Hex (2.0 DPT, 3.67 EPT) perform very similarly; the former returning well-rounded numbers without STAB, while the latter gives up raw damage for more energy gains but does get STAB. Generally speaking, the energy gain from Hex is more useful if Dusclops would need coverage from Ice Punch or Fire Punch, otherwise Feint Attack tends to better. As an example, if Dusclops faces Tropius in Great League under a one-shield scenario, Dusclops would lose with Feint Attack but win with Hex due to an additional Ice Punch from Hex's greater energy gains.
Shadow Punch (1.14 DPE, 35 energy) is a very poor move from a stats perspective, but costs the least amount of energy and gets STAB, so it tends to get the most use. The choice between the two elemental punches is up to preference. They both cover 4 typings and have identical stats, but don't really help Dusclops deal with its own weaknesses.
Great League | |
Dusclops is a relatively bulky specialist against Psychic-types including Medicham. The biggest setback for Dusclops is its lack of a quality moveset, which severely prevents it from winning more matchups. If given access to Shadow Claw/Shadow Ball, Dusclops would actually be one of the top ranked candidates for Great League given its good bulk, but alas one can hope that Dusclops gets a rebalance to its move pool eventually. For now Dusclops is mostly used for niche wins against Psychic-types, and generally loses to the rest of the main meta picks. | |
Ultra League | |
Dusclops is confined to use in Great League only. | |
Master League | |
Giratina master ghost. |