Lvl 50Max CP
Lvl 40
Lvl 25Weather Boost
Lvl 20Raids/Eggs
Lvl 15Research

PvE Analysis

With a max CP barely clearing 1500, don’t expect this bunny to be making waves on offense. However, just like another low CP, egg-shaped Pokemon we know, what Azumarill lacks in offense it makes up for on defense. Or at least, it's not awful.

A low max CP gives Azumarill a low motivation decay rate, making it ideal for long term gym defense. Even after several hours in a gym, Azumarill still requires 3 battles to defeat. Its Fairy-typing and access to Play Rough will punish attackers unfamiliar with Fairies. Opponents hitting with Grass-types will have to be wary of Ice Beam.

Best PvE Offensive Moveset

BubbleBubble + Hydro PumpHydro PumpBest
  • Bubble should be paired with Hydro Pump for Water-type coverage.

  • Rock Smash can pair with Play Rough for taking on Dark-type threats.

  • Ice Beam has little use with Azumarill on offense.

Best PvE Defensive Moveset

BubbleBubble + Play RoughPlay Rough or Ice BeamIce BeamBest
  • Bubble is slightly better than Rock Smash, offering slightly better coverage.

  • Play Rough is on par with Ice Beam. The former has better damage, is harder to dodge, and hits Dark, Dragon, and Fighting-types effectively. The latter has counter coverage on Grass-types while still threatening Dragon-types.

  • Hydro Pump is generally worse than Azumarill’s other charge moves, having a higher energy cost. However, it does heavy damage and is hard to dodge.

PvP Analysis

BubbleBubble + Any 2 of Ice BeamIce Beam, Hydro PumpHydro Pump, or Play RoughPlay Rough

Bubble + Ice Beam and Hydro Pump

Bubble is a very good move for PvP and also takes advantage of STAB with Azumarill. Rock Smash is terrible.

Ice Beam gives Azumarill excellent coverage and flexibility to deal with a wide range of Pokemon, including Grass types that can give Azumarill trouble. Ice Beam also has the perk of requiring the least amount of energy (55) among Azumarill's charge moves. Hydro Pump is a good finishing move and also can threaten KOs due to its high base power of 130 plus STAB. While the 75 energy required is quite steep, Azumarill's excellent bulk gives it the time needed to build up energy. 

Bubble + Ice Beam and Play Rough

This more diverse moveset lets Azumarill check Pokemon by utilizing the less common Fairy typing. Play Rough isn't a very notable charge move stat-wise, but does take advantage of STAB and costs less energy (60) than Hydro Pump. The strength of this set comes mostly from playing Azumarill's two least expensive Charge Moves. Some popular Great League picks such as Medicham and Sableye also get shut down by Play Rough.

Bubble + Play Rough and Hydro Pump

This combination eschews Azumarill's Ice Beam in favor of its two expensive STAB Charge Moves. The goal of this set is the same as the first; wide coverage, though this set concedes to Ice-types in favor of winning the mirror matchup. As Azumarill is one of the most utilized Pokemon in the Great League, this set recognizes the importance of countering itself with Play Rough. Play Rough and Ice Beam share overlapping coverage against Altaria, while Hydro Pump allows it to take down a variety of Steel-types that would otherwise threaten it. As noted above, Azumarill has the bulk to build energy for these higher costing moves, so combining these two can give you a strong pair against the open field.

Great League5 / 5

Azumarill boasts incredible bulk, really solid typing, and impressive coverage. It can fit in fairly easily on teams, serving as an invaluable backbone due to how many threats it is able to sponge and cover. For these reasons, Azumarill has remained a stalwart option in Great League ever since the birth of PvP. The introduction of Candy XL further improved Azumarill's already superb tankiness.

However, balance changes and the introduction of sturdy counters such as Lanturn, Zap Cannon Registeel, and Toxapex have toned down Azumarill's dominance. Furthermore, although Azumarill's coverage is impressive, the moveset itself is rather clumsy. The combination of expensive energy costs and Bubble's low DPT and long duration can make winning certain matchups difficult, especially while shields are in play. Sableye and Malamar are tougher opponents than Azumarill would like to admit despite its superior bulk and advantageous typing.

Ultra League0 / 5

Azumarill's potential is limited to the Great League. Even XL Azumarill is nowhere near 2500. Use Tapu Fini instead.

Master League 0 / 5
Water/Fairy is actually an insanely good typing in the Master League, but Azumarill doesn't have the stats to make use of that. Use Primarina instead.
Second Charge Move Cost
50,000 Stardust + 50 Candy
Flee Rate
7 %
Buddy Distance
3 KM
Catch Rate
15 %
Female Ratio
50 %
Male Ratio
50 %