Shaymin (Sky Forme)

PvE Analysis
While Shaymin - Sky Forme spent a very long time as an extremely mediocre Pokemon due to its reliance on Hidden Power to have a Grass Type Fast Move, the September 2023 moveset update smiled on it in a big way by giving it one of the best Grass Type Fast Moves in the game; Magical Leaf. With this move, Shaymin - Sky Forme's raw power skyrocketed, to the point where it's very much a viable Grass Type attacker.
In terms of viability, Shaymin - Sky Forme is a bit of a situational pick. It's exclusively good as a Grass Type, and in that niche it has the advantage of absolutely WRECKING Ground Types. However, it also has to be a bit careful of anything packing an Ice Type coverage move that will take it down almost instantly. In this regard, it's a situational but powerful pick if played to its advantages... it's just unfortunate that Kartana exists and takes the wind from its sails 90% of the time.
Now we just need Niantic to fix the needlessly weak Seed Flare.....
Best PvE Offensive Moveset
Magical Leaf + Grass Knot | Best |
- Magical Leaf and Grass Knot is the way to go.
- Hidden Power isn't worth using regardless of the type.
- Zen Headbutt, Energy Ball, Solar Beam, Seed Flare... they're all easy to TM away.
PvP Analysis
Let's make this simple. It's bad. In all Leagues. Its best moveset is Magical Leaf + Grass Knot and Seed Flare, which has no coverage options. Many Grass-types are better than it, even in the Master League when only a few have more stats than Shaymin.