
PvE Analysis
Once a disappointment, the September 2022 Moveset Update hit Cobalion hard. The addition of Double Kick completes its long-dreamed-of Fighting Type moveset, and allows it to soar above where it once stood. In all fairness it's not flying very high, as it's still really mediocre, but at least it's better than it once was!
Ah, but Cobalion walks so that Terrakion can fly (In this analogy, Virizion is also walking, maybe even crawling). Sacred Sword had to be balanced around all three legendaries in the Sword of Justice trio, and maybe even Keldeo too. For this reason, Sacred Sword Cobalion still isn't enough to make it a huge PvE force.
Best PvE Offensive Moveset
Best |
- Double Kick with Sacred Sword is the go-to moveset for Cobalion, as it gives this Sword of Justice an edge.
- Metal Claw pairs with Iron Head to make Cobailion a reasonable Steel-type attacker, though since Steel and Fighting have such overlapping coverage, this set will see less use.
- Zen Headbutt is just worse than Metal Claw, so there's no real argument towards using it, but Sacred Sword is so strong that this pair has higher DPS than the double Steel set.
- Close Combat is worse in every way than the exclusive Sacred Sword. It's also worse than Iron Head where they would both be Super Effective.
- Stone Edge is a good charge move, but lacking STAB puts it behind the other options.
PvP Analysis
Double Kick is a good STAB Fast Attack that provides solid energy gain. Metal Claw and Zen Headbutt are awful for PvP.
All of Cobalion's charge moves can be useful depending on the format. Sacred Sword is absolutely your first choice, as it's Cobalion's strongest standalone move. Stone Edge and Iron Head are basically down to preference, though Stone Edge is the stronger move in a vacuum. Close Combat can be used over Sacred Sword for potentially greater payoffs, but Sacred Sword's reliability is often preferred.
Great League | |
As of right now the only way to obtain Cobalion is through raids, and even if traded to reroll its IVs, the CP would still be too high to qualify for Great League. Maybe in the future Cobalion will be obtainable through Research Breakthrough, in which case it can be eligible for this league. | |
Ultra League | |
Thanks to the Season 12 addition of Double Kick, Cobalion now possesses a complete package of great typing, excellent moves, and solid stats. It possesses a wide coverage thanks to Sacred Sword and Stone Edge; even Nidoqueen, a Pokemon that resists both moves, can find itself struggling to beat Cobalion. Beware of Runerigus, Deoxys-D, Trevenant, and Buzzwole, as they easily withstand Cobalion's Fighting assaults while taking little from Stone Edge, while they can do some very nasty things in return. | |
Master League | |
A highly specialized Dialga counter with anti Flying coverage in Stone Edge, Cobalion's role is unfortunately not very unique in the Master League. With Pokemon like Excadrill and Melmetal around, Cobalion isn't exactly offering what they can't already do. To make matters worse, Cobalion's performance against Charmers isn't exactly the brightest. Nonetheless, with a good moveset, passable stats, and a decent typing, Cobalion can find itself being picked in some sort of limited format. But in the context of open Master League, it still falls a little short. |