
Zamazenta - Hero of Many Battles

Lvl 50Max CP
Lvl 40
Lvl 25Weather Boost
Lvl 20Raids/Eggs
Lvl 15Research

PvE Analysis

Poor Zamazenta - Hero of Many Battles enters the raid meta as yet another misbegotten mess of a Legendary Pokemon as far as the PvE meta is concerned. Its stat-line isn't made for raids, its moveset is bad, and it really doesn't even have much hope for the future at all. It may be a hero, but it's definitely not the raid-hero that we're looking for.

It's wort noting that Zamazenta has a Steel Type Signature Move named Behemoth Bash, but only its Crowned forme can learn it. Even more reason that this poor pup is in the raiding doghouse.  

Best PvE Offensive Moveset

Snarl + (Any)Best
  • Snarl offers the highest general energy generation, and can pair with Crunch for a Dark Type moveset, but the lack of STAB hurts its utility.
  • Metal Claw pairs with Iron Head to make Zamazenta into a Steel Type attacker, but only its Crowned forme gets Steel Type STAB.
  • Quick Attack is an okay choice if Snarl's typing clashes with the Charged Move of choice for a given raid.
  • Ice Fang is slow and doesn't offer much type-synergy. Though it can pair with Moonblast to make a... very bad Dragon Type couner.
  • Close Combat is the Charged Move of choice for its STAB, though it's a weaker move in general and tends to have its effectiveness profile clash with Snarl.
  • Moonblast is a weak option for Zamazenta.

PvP Analysis

Ice Fang is what truly separates Zamazenta from Zacian, and is thus picked over Quick Attack, Snarl, and Metal Claw as a result. Its strong offensive profile, excellent damage, and decent energy generation makes it worth running.

Close Combat is the only Fighting-type Charge Move available, and benefits from STAB to threaten significant damage. Crunch is recommended due to its lesser energy cost, and coverage against Zamazenta's weakness to Psychic-types and struggles vs Ghost-types. The 30% chance to proc its debuff isn't very consistent, but can flip certain matchups if the dice rolls in your favor. Moonblast is a strong move, but lacks STAB and costs quite a lot of energy to access. Iron Head can be used as a surprise coverage move to hit Fairy-type Pokemon super effectively, but is generally not as valuable as Crunch.

Great League

Zamazenta's high CP currently prevents it from participating in Great League. If Zamazenta were to be obtained from Research Breakthrough or Special Research in the future, it will be eligible at level 15. 

Ultra League

Zamazenta is a mono-Fighting Pokemon with a high offensive stat. Unfortunately due to how the CP formula works this results in poor bulk in the Ultra League which has a cap on CP. While Zamazenta can somewhat fulfill a Fighting-type role in this league, other Pokemon can perform more consistently. It should be noted that Zamazenta's fast access to Crunch gives it a handful of wins over certain Ghost-types that other Fighting-types might struggle against, but this isn't enough to make it a consistently viable choice. 

Master League

Zamazenta is a unique Fighting-type threat in the Master League. Unlike other Fighters, Zamazenta's threat primarily comes from the relentless Ice-type damage of Ice Fang, which hits many staple Pokemon in the Master League super effectively. Then, when an Ice-resistant Pokemon such as Melmetal or Kyogre shows up to halt Zamazenta's frosty chomping, it can retaliate with a devastating STAB Close Combat.

Unfortunately, Zamazenta's niche as a wallbreaking Ice Fang user is diminished with the release of White Kyurem. White Kyurem's superior stats, STAB on Ice Fang, and similar ability to blast through Ice resists makes it a much more preferable option. Zamazenta now awaits for the release of its Crowned Forme (starting GO Fest 2025!) to regain a role in the open Master League.

Second Charge Move Cost
100,000 Stardust + 100 Candy
Flee Rate
10 %
Buddy Distance
20 KM
Catch Rate
2 %
Female Ratio
Male Ratio