Lvl 50Max CP
Lvl 40
Lvl 25Weather Boost
Lvl 20Raids/Eggs
Lvl 15Research

PvE Analysis

Shadow Glalie isn't the worst Ice Type, but if you're looking for Ice Type DPS then you may be better off purifying a high IV individual if you happen to get one and use it as a Mega Glalie. 

Best PvE Offensive Moveset

Frost Breath + AvalancheBest
  • Frost Breath is slightly better than Ice Shard. If you have too many Fast TMs and are set on using offensive Shadow Glalie, you may as well change it; if not, it’s no big deal.

  • Avalanche is the only charge move an offensive Glalie should be using.

Best PvE Defensive Moveset

Ice Shard + Shadow Ball or Gyro BallBest
  • Ice Shard is slightly better than Frost Breath. As with offensive Shadow Glalie, the difference is miniscule.

  • While Shadow Ball has better coverage, you may want to stick with Avalanche since it has such an early dodge window.

  • Gyro Ball isn't great, but it does come out relatively quickly and has some counter-coverage potential.

PvP Analysis

Ice Shard + Avalanche and Shadow Ball

A very simple and straightforward moveset that allows Shadow Glalie to do what it does best: Ice, Ice, baby. Shadow Ball is a nice addition for some coverage in case Glalie gets into a hot mess. Unlike its sister counterpart Froslass, Shadow Glalie doesn't get STAB on Shadow Ball. 

Great League2.5 / 5

Glalie gets compared a lot to its sister Froslass, as they both have very similar movesets and occupy similar roles. Glalie is a mono-Ice type which does it more harm than good, as weaknesses to 4 other typings in exchange for pretty much no resistances makes it rather vulnerable without coverage from other teammates. Glalie is also a bit slower than its sister counterpart due to not having access to Powder snow, which actually causes it to lose some matchups that Froslass would win, such as against Venusaur in the one-shield matchup. Overall a decent pick with well-rounded stats and good offensive potential, but the sheer lack of resistances really holds it back. 

Ultra League2 / 5

With a max CP of 2105 Glalie doesn't have sufficient stats to perform well in Ultra League. Aside from the obvious wins against opponents weak to Ice, Glalie generally sees more losses than wins in this league. Narrow victories against Lugia and Dialga in the one-shield matchup are nice, but not really enough to make Glalie a viable pick. 

Master League0 / 5

There's better candidates than Glalie for Master League. 

Second Charge Move Cost
50,000 Stardust + 50 Candy
Flee Rate
6 %
Buddy Distance
3 KM
Catch Rate
20 %
Female Ratio
50 %
Male Ratio
50 %