Dynamax Excadrill

PvE Analysis
When it comes to Max Raid performance, Excadrill is very much a VIP. Its capabilities as both a Steel and Ground attacker are impressive, further bolstered by having access to two 0.5 second Fast Attacks in Metal Claw and Mud Shot. It's typing is also very valuable defensively thanks to its massive list of resistances, easily making up for its relative frailty. Additionally, it possesses a surprisingly high HP stat, which makes it a good healer with Max Spirit. Honestly, this is an outstanding Pokemon that will make Max Battles substantially easier when it's needed.
In the future, Garchomp, Groudon, and Landorus-T can outperform it offensively as a Ground attacker, while Necrozma-DM, Dialga, Gigantamax Melmetal, and Gigantamax Copperajah does the same from the Steel side. However, Excadrill's incredible Attack stat, role compression, and valuable defensive typing can keep it relevant for a long, long time.
Best Dynamax Moveset
Offensive | ||
Offensive | ||
Defensive |
- Mud Shot and Metal Claw are both good moves for Dynamax battles, as they both generate energy very quickly. Pick a Ground or Steel moveset depending on whatever you're fighting, and watch Excadrill do its work.
PvP Analysis
In terms of PvP performance, Dynamax Pokemon are identical to their non-Dynamax counterparts.