Lvl 50Max CP
Lvl 40
Lvl 25Weather Boost
Lvl 20Raids/Eggs
Lvl 15Research

PvE Analysis

Heracross has a unique Bug/Fighting typing that would not be seen again until the Ultra Beasts in Sun/Moon. As a Bug-type attacker, Heracross is both outclassed and not viable for tasks such as soloing Alakazam. As a Fighting-type attacker, Heracross is still outclassed, but it’s a great choice for tasks that require lots of pugilistic power.

Heracross frequently appears in gyms, either to show off or to help a player farm candy, but its defensive prowess is poor, being weak to and resisted by many types.

If you're lucky enough to have a good Heracross outside of its native range, then definitely hold onto it. Mega Heracross is an absolute monster.

Best PvE Offensive Moveset

Counter + Close CombatBest
Struggle Bug + MegahornGreat
  • Counter should be paired with Close Combat to make Heracross a decent Fighting attacker.

  • Struggle Bug can be paired with Megahorn for Bug-type offense, but there are better options in this role.

  • Rock Blast can add some versatility for attacking Gyms as a secondary move, but is otherwise not very useful. 

  • Earthquake is outclassed by Heracross’s other charge moves.

Best PvE Defensive Moveset

Struggle Bug or Counter + Rock BlastBest
  • Struggle Bug performs better than Counter, but is resisted by many types that would attack Heracross.

  • Rock Blast is the only multi-bar move available, and its Rock typing is also very valuable against Flying-type attackers. 

  • The rest of the available Charge Moves are 1-bar moves. Close Combat, Megahorn, Earthquake is the order of preference.

PvP Analysis

Counter + Rock Blast and Close Combat or Megahorn or Earthquake

Counter is a solid move in PvE thanks to its high damage and decent energy generation. Struggle Bug is horrendous.

The addition of Rock Blast following the GBL Season 9 update is very appealing for Heracross due to its low energy cost and useful Rock-type coverage, especially against Heracross's weakness to Flying-types. Close Combat enables Heracross to perform more consistently as a Fighting-type and threaten massive damage. Unfortunately the -2 Defense debuff on the user makes it risky to use, which is not very comforting when considering the limited bulk of Heracross. Megahorn hits hard and isn't terribly energy-intensive to use. It also grants Heracross an invaluable Bug-type STAB to help it take down many of the Pokemon that it's generally chosen to counter. Earthquake is a strong move that provides wide coverage, but is also the slowest option. 

Great League 2 / 5

Heracross can use its rare typing, good stats, and strong moves to act as a niche closer. It's particularly effective against Dark types and can provide solid counter-coverage for Psychic and Ghost-types. The problem here is the fact that its restricted CP does it no favors, and common Pokemon with effective counter-coverage are running around the tier, such as Altaria and Deoxys-D, though Psychic-types in particular also need to be weary of STAB Megahorn. Just note that Heracross fares particularly poorly against Ghost-types, and needs to run very quickly if its opponent has any chance of packing Flying-type moves in particular.

Ultra League 2 / 5

Heracross is actually fairly good in the Ultra league for the reasons outlined above in conjunction with its substantially less restricted CP. It's a threat to top Steel pokemon, but also destroyed by both Giratina forms. It still acts best as a closer and needs to be paired with a pokemon that can cover its weaknesses, but it can definitely punch holes in the opponent's team if played right.

Master League 1 / 5

There are better Fighting-type options in the Master League, such as Marshadow and Zamazenta

Second Charge Move Cost
50,000 Stardust + 50 Candy
Flee Rate
9 %
Buddy Distance
3 KM
Catch Rate
30 %
Female Ratio
50 %
Male Ratio
50 %