
Galarian Zapdos

Lvl 50Max CP
Lvl 40
Lvl 25Weather Boost
Lvl 20Raids/Eggs
Lvl 15Research

PvE Analysis

Galarian Zapdos features a very different profile from its Kantonian counterpart, offering Fighting-type damage instead of the iconic Electric-type coverage from Kanto Zapdos. With 252 ATK, this Pokemon boasts respectable damage output for attacking Raids and Gyms. Unfortunately, Close Combat is not the most efficient Charge Move for Fighting-types, and is the main reason why Galarian Zapdos doesn't rank fairly high on the list of Fighting-type attackers. 

Best PvE Offensive Moveset

Counter + Close CombatBest
  • Counter is the best Fast Move for Fighting-type attackers, and Galarian Zapdos makes good use of it.
  • Close Combat pairs well to fulfill a Fighting-type role.
  • Brave Bird lacks synergy unfortunately. 
  • Ancient Power is a poor move. 

PvP Analysis

Counter + Close Combat and Brave Bird 

Galarian Zapdos has a very limited moveset with almost no flexibility in its moveset choices. Fortunately, Counter is a strong Fast Attack, offering a strong combination of damage output and decent energy generation.

Close Combat threatens massive damage, but applies a harsh self-debuff on the user, making it difficult to use. Brave Bird has the same profile, but costs slightly more energy and offers Flying-type coverage instead. Ancient Power is unfortunately a poor choice due to its pitiful damage output. It ties with Close Combat in terms of energy cost, making it unimpressive to use for baiting shields. 

Great League2 / 5

Galarian Zapdos packs a devastating closing potential and a largely unresisted STAB combination. Thanks to Counter being an excellent Fast Attack, Galarian Zapdos has no issues farming down opponents to begin sweeping teams with Close Combat and Brave Bird. However, it is held back by its poor bulk and being a Fighting-type that struggles against Ice-type Pokemon. The unreliability of its Brave Bird also restricts its Flying-type side, as Galarian Zapdos struggles to counter Grass- and Fighting-type Pokemon.

With Counter's energy nerf in Season 20, Galarian Zapdos's pacing is significantly slowed down, rendering the Legendary bird largely unviable.

Ultra League2 / 5

With a glassy stat spread and post-nerf Counter's unremarkable energy generation, Galarian Zapdos struggles to blow apart tanky opponents like it once did. Other Fighting-type options like Virizion, Cobalion, and Machamp are more consistent alternatives.

Master League2.5 / 5

Being a Fighting-type Pokemon in the Master League is challenging due to the sheer number of Ghost-, Psychic-, Fairy-, and Flying-type Pokemon around. Galarian Zapdos once had the tools to be a niche, yet respectable threat owing to its decent stats and explosive Charged Attacks, but the nerf to Counter in Season 20 removed its incredible potential. As far as niche Fighting-type options go in the Master League, Zamazenta and Marshadow perform better.

Second Charge Move Cost
100,000 Stardust + 100 Candy
Flee Rate
10 %
Buddy Distance
20 KM
Catch Rate
3 %
Female Ratio
Male Ratio