Lvl 50Max CP
Lvl 40
Lvl 25Weather Boost
Lvl 20Raids/Eggs
Lvl 15Research

PvE Analysis

As a cover legendary, Lugia is somewhat disappointing like Ho-Oh. Its stats are heavily slanted towards defense, which is not ideal in raids. Because it is a legendary species, Lugia can’t use its bulk as a gym defender, so its role is primarily as a bulky Psychic/Flying-type attacker. Unfortunately, Lugia often finds itself outclassed despite Aeroblast's incredible damage, as many other Psychic or Flying attackers have significantly higher Attack. Its lack of Flying-type fast move further limits its potential.

Apex Purified Lugia wields the obscenely powerful Aeroblast++, the strongest charge move in the game. This somewhat makes up for Lugia's low Attack stat and raises its DPS to respectable levels. However, its Shadow form is the real deal, and it is not recommended to purify Apex Shadow Lugia if you care about its raid performance.

Best PvE Offensive Moveset

Extrasensory + Aeroblast*Best
  • Extrasensory is Lugia’s best quick move, targeting Poison and Fighting-types for STAB effective damage.

  • Dragon Tail can provide neutral coverage against Psychic-types.

  • Future Sight isn't a bad move and has the advantage of pairing with Extrasensory, but in most cases it's best to use a Flying Type option instead.

  • Sky Attack is an outstanding attack, but for sheer Flying Type damage, Aeroblast is better.

  • Aeroblast++ is an even stronger version of Aeroblast, but it is exclusive to Apex Purified Lugia

  • Hydro Pump isn’t a bad charge move, but it has no use on Lugia.

PvP Analysis

Dragon Tail + Sky Attack and Aeroblast*

With the Season 8 buff to Dragon Tail, its incredible damage output now makes it the superior option to Extrasensory despite having slightly less energy gain. Dragon Tail is especially preferred in Master League due to the ubiquitous use of Dragon-type Pokemon. 

Sky Attack is a very efficient move, benefits from STAB, and costs the least amount of energy. Future Sight requires a steep 65 energy cost, and is generally not preferable due to this cost unless Psychic-type coverage is highly needed. Hydro Pump (130 Power/75 Energy) takes longer to charge, has lower base damage per energy, and lacks STAB, but it does allow Lugia to perform better against a number of potential threats, such as Steel- and Rock-types. The addition of Aeroblast from the Nov 2020 Animation Week event is a debatable but nonetheless welcome addition to Lugia's kit, demanding an expensive 75 energy cost but in return offering a massive 170 base power (2.267 DPE). With STAB, Aeroblast when resisted performs almost identically to Hydro Pump, which makes Lugia's signature move more preferable due to its minor chance to proc its +2 ATK buff, despite not offering additional coverage. 

Aeroblast++, the signature move of Apex Purified Lugia, is functionally identical to Aeroblast in PvP.

Great League 2.5 / 5

Thanks to its availability as a research breakthrough reward, Lugia's CP can be low enough to enter into the Great League after a reroll of its IVs from a trade, and it can perform well here. Lugia can wall attack after attack while giving back decent punishment, and makes a decent team choice to cover a fighting weakness in particular. However, Lugia's flaws include its relatively sluggish moveset and uncomfortable extra weaknesses courtesy of its Psychic-typing, leaving it often outclassed by other Flying-type options such as Altaria or Skarmory.

Ultra League3 / 5

Lugia's sheer defensive utility begins to shine through in the Ultra League, where it goes from a solid mon in a competitive Flying-type niche to a major threat. It holds its own against much of the tier, but its fatal drawback is its weakness to the masters of the tier: Giratina's two formes and Registeel. Regardless, with a bit of forethought, Lugia can perform very well in the Ultra League and support its team fantastically.

Master League3.5 / 5

Without the CP cap holding it down, Lugia gets to make use of its full power in the Master League. It possesses one of the game's greatest bulk and stat product on top of a powerful moveset. Lugia can hold down some of the biggest threats in the metagame, such as Palkia, Landorus-T, and Zygarde. Thanks to its phenomenal bulk, Lugia is an excellent Pokemon to catch opposing powerful Charged Attacks with, wasting their energy. The sheer power of Aeroblast can deal tremendous damage even when resisted, making Pokemon like Dialga and Zekrom consider resist it.

Lugia's primary downsides include its rather sluggish moveset and the dominating presence of Necrozma in the metagame. Both formes of Necrozma can safely counter Lugia; Dusk Mane resists Lugia's attacks and breaks it down with Shadow Claw and Dark Pulse, while Dawn Wings simply blows Lugia apart with its nuclear STAB Ghost-type signature move Moongeist Beam. Prior to Necrozma's release, Lugia was a relatively safe Pokemon to switch in as an immediate response to a bad lead as it can often deal massive damage to would-be counters, but it no longer quite has that role.

Repeated nerfs to Sky Attack over the years have left Lugia somewhat underwhelming in more recent times.

Second Charge Move Cost
100,000 Stardust + 100 Candy
Flee Rate
4 %
Buddy Distance
20 KM
Catch Rate
2 %
Female Ratio
Male Ratio