Lvl 50Max CP
Lvl 40
Lvl 25Weather Boost
Lvl 20Raids/Eggs
Lvl 15Research

PvE Analysis

Hariyama was once the TDO-version of Machamp, but now it's just... not good. It's outclassed in all that it does, though in the main series it had a signature attack on its release called "Arm Thrust". While this Fighting Type move is no longer truly a signature attack, it could be a way to buff Hariyama's performance if it's ever added.

Best PvE Offensive Moveset

Force Palm or Counter + Dynamic PunchBest
  • Force Palm is Hariyama’s optimal fast move, though Counter is a very close second.
  • Dynamic Punch is the clearly superior Fighting-type charge move, contributing the most damage and being flexible to use.
  • Superpower is a step down, and Close Combat is a further step down. 
  • Bullet Punch and Heavy Slam are almost never ideal on an offensive Hariyama, even in the snow.

Best PvE Defensive Moveset

Bullet Punch or Counter + Heavy Slam or Dynamic PunchBest
  • Bullet Punch and Heavy Slam counter Hariyama’s Fairy-type weakness and hit Flying and Psychic-types with neutral damage.
  • Counter is a decent alternative to Bullet Punch, but it's resisted by Hariyama's usual counters.
  • Force Palm falls behind.
  • Dynamic Punch is better than Superpower on defense, but neither provides any coverage against Hariyama's weaknesses. 
  • Close Combat takes too long to access, being a 1-bar move. 

PvP Analysis

Counter + Close Combat and Heavy Slam or SuperpowerBest

Counter is one of the best fast moves in PvP, and Hariyama takes advantage of it with STAB. Bullet Punch is a good move stat-wise, but Steel typing isn't very meta-relevant. 

Close Combat is one of the most powerful charge moves in the game, and doesn't cost a lot of energy to use. The downside is a significant DEF debuff on the user, which makes it risky to use. Superpower performs similarly with less damage output and 5 less energy cost. However, a -1 ATK debuff (and -1 DEF debuff) can put Hariyama in a very bad spot since it could reduce the potential of finishing off the opponent. Heavy Slam isn't particularly exciting, but does offer extra coverage, especially against Fairy-types. 

Great League2 / 5

Hariyama is a mono-Fighting type featuring average bulk, and a very narrow but powerful moveset. Access to both Superpower and Close Combat give Hariyama two strong choices to threaten significant damage to anything that doesn't resist Fighting-type attacks, but also makes Hariyama a risky choice due to the debuffs applied on the user. Unfortunately competition with Toxicroak and Medicham makes it difficult for Hariyama to stand out among them, but it does have niches against certain Pokemon like Skarmory. 

Ultra League3 / 5

Hariyama acts as an excellent bodyguard for Giratina, being able to overcome almost every Dark-type eligible, and also sporting wins over every Steel-type in this league. However, Hariyama stands a little below other Fighters like Machamp because of its lesser coverage, and it has little hope of fighting back against Giratina or Psychic-types in this league. 

Master League2.5 / 5

With a max CP of 3198, Hariyama lacks sufficient stats compared to many other Pokemon in this league. However, with its powerful moveset it can still manage to win against several meta picks that are weak to Fighting. Being able to outspeed Machamp and narrowly beating Dialga are definitely perks, but the risks from its self-debuffs makes it difficult to use. 

Second Charge Move Cost
50,000 Stardust + 50 Candy
Flee Rate
6 %
Buddy Distance
3 KM
Catch Rate
20 %
Female Ratio
25 %
Male Ratio
75 %