Lvl 50Max CP
Lvl 40
Lvl 25Weather Boost
Lvl 20Raids/Eggs
Lvl 15Research

PvE Analysis

Bombirdier is.... okay. It's got an outstanding Flying Type moveset, but it lacks the power to really utilize it. Still, it can make a decent second or third string Flying attacker... but it's not really worth investing in.

Best PvE Offensive Moveset

Wing Attack + FlyBest
  • Wing Attack and Fly is an amazing Flying Type moveset, arguably the best non-signature moveset that Bombirdier could have ever hoped for.
  • Rock Throw, Aerial Ace, and Payback are sub-par.

Best PvE Defensive Moveset

Rock Throw + Aerial AceBest
  • Rock Throw is the defensive Fast Move of choice thanks to its higher power and off-type advantage. 
  • Aerial Ace is the top Charged Move for Bombirdier on defense, though Fly's higher power makes it worthwhile as well.
  • Wing Attack doesn't work as well on defense, as it shares type with Bombirdier's best Charged Moves.
  • Payback is nice, but its energy cost is far too high.

PvP Analysis

Wing Attack + Fly or Aerial Ace and Payback

Wing Attack benefits from STAB and has a much higher energy generation than Rock Throw. Rock Throw can be used in very specific formats, such as the Flying cup, but it is otherwise a bad move.

Fly has excellent DPE and a moderately low cost, and is a great choice as Bombirdier's main attack. However, as Bombirdier is rather glassy, Aerial Ace's lower cost may actually be preferable sometimes. Payback benefits from Bombirdier's other STAB and provides coverage against Steel-type Pokemon.

Running a full Flying moveset (Wing Attack + Fly AND Aerial Ace) is a viable option as well

Great League2.5 / 5

Bombirdier possesses pretty good moves, but struggles to stand out due to other Flying-type options present in this League. Mandibuzz in particular outclasses it (and even Galarian Moltres competes with Bombirdier), sharing the same type but having far, far superior bulk.

Ultra League2.5 / 5

Same story with Great League - good moves, pretty rough stats, outclassed by Pokemon with the same typing as it.

Master League0 / 5

Use Yveltal instead

Flee Rate
Buddy Distance
Catch Rate
Female Ratio
50 %
Male Ratio
50 %