Shadow Mightyena

PvE Analysis
Shadow Mightyena is objectively mightier than its basic forme, but it's still a mile away from earning the word "Mighty" that it name eludes to. With an outdated Dark Type moveset and a low attacking stat, not even the Shadow boost is enough to raise it out of obscurity.
Best PvE Offensive Moveset
Best |
Bite and Sucker Punch are pretty close. They should be combined with Crunch for synergy and STAB.
Bite is faster than Fire Fang, Ice Fang, and Thunder Fang, but they have a similar DPS due to the difference in damage done by the elemental fangs. However, Shadow Mightyena is not Fire, Ice, or Electric Type, so these moves lack STAB and a complimentary Charged Move.
Play Rough is Shadow Mightyena’s highest DPS charge move, but it’s not an ideal offensive move for a Dark-type.
Poison Fang is not a good attack for Shadow Mightyena.
Best PvE Defensive Moveset
Best |
Fire Fang, Ice Fang, and Thunder Fang are all good options on defense, and are all better than Bite. All three have the potential to deal a lot of damage to various common gym attackers, so it's hard to say which is best.
Crunch has great neutral coverage, good power, and is able to come out very frequently. However, it's not the objective best option due to the fact that the Fighting Types that hard-counter Shadow Mightyena resist it.
Play Rough does the most defensive damage of the charge moves and is super effective against Fighting-types that might be used against a Dark-type defender.
Poison Fang is a weak defensive move, but may have utility against Fairy-types.
- Sucker Punch is underwhelming on defense.
PvP Analysis
Sucker Punch benefits from STAB and has both the higher DPT and EPT compared to shadow Mightyena's other Fast Attacks.
Poison Fang is a must due to its low cost and its coverage against Fairy-type Pokemon; its Defense debuffs synergize well with Sucker Punch's high damage. Crunch adds further Dark-type damage. Play Rough can be used as a coverage option, surprising Fighting- and Dark-type opponents who think they are safe from Shadow Mightyena's Charged Attacks, but its cost makes it unreliable. Return doesn't do much for Shadow Mightyena
Great League | |
Despite a huge variety of coverage, this mon just doesn't quite cut it. Its typing isn't great, and it just doesn't have quite as much bulk as it needs. Sadly, Shadow Mightyena just might-not-yena cut it It's spicy, but it's not good. | |
Ultra League | |
Mightyena's low max CP causes it even more problems in in Ultra League. | |
Master League | |
Same as Ultra, just worse. |