Mega Abomasnow Raid Guide

Stamina: 9,000 | Attack: 240 | Defense: 191 |
CP Range
Level 20: | 1863 - 1946 |
Level 25, Weather Boosted: | 2329 - 2432 |
Move Difficulty
Easy | |
Intermediate | |
Challenging |
Mega Abomasnow's Fast Moves are a bit underwhelming in terms of Raid boss performance. Powder Snow and Leafage are basically type-swaps for a Raid Boss, and neither is particularly threatening in practice. The only "dangerous" Fast Move is Razor Leaf, which is decently powerful... but all of the above is also compounded by the fact that just about all of Mega Abomasnow's counters resist or double-resist them, meaning none of them are really bad in practice.
For Charged Moves, Outrage is the most threatening thing that most counters can face due to its high base power and multiple bars. Following that, Weather Ball Ice and Icy Wind are pretty similar for the most part, though the latter is a bit stronger. These moves would definitely be considered Challenging if they weren't hard-countered by most of the Pokemon that want to take on Mega Abomasnow. Still, their 3-bar status means that they will come out pretty frequently! Energy Ball is next, but its mediocrity leaves it less threatening than most of the competition. Finally, Blizzard can hit pretty hard, but it's extremely slow and easy to dodge.
Mega Abomasnow is a pretty important Mega Evolution, as one of only two Ice Type options in the game. Fortunately, this is not a hard raid! If you have the right counters, it's actually very possible to solo Mega Abomasnow, especially in clear weather. Just pack your best Fire Types and burn this snowman to the ground!
Team Building Approach
Mega Abomasnow is Ice/Grass Type, meaning it has... a lot of weaknesses. Bug, Fighting, Flying, Poison, Rock, Steel.... but the single most important weakness for this raid is Fire due to the fact that it's doubly effective, making it by far the type that you'll want if you want to melt this snowman.
- Just do Fire. Everything else should be considered only for team fillers.
Dodging Strategy
Dodging is a mixed bag in this raid, and should be considered on a case-by-case basis. Energy Ball is generally not worth dodging. Blizzard probably should be dodged due to its relatively high damage when taken full-force combined with how easy it is to dodge and how infrequently it comes out. Weather Ball Ice and Icy Wind generally don't hit very hard per use, but they come out frequently enough that the constant time taken to dodge can be a drag on your DPS. Finally, Outrage is a bit on the threatening side, and should probably be dodged.
At the end of the day, the best choice when it comes to dodging is to dodge more heavily with your glass-cannons, and know when to just let a Pokemon drop rather than trying to protect it when it won't hit its next Charged Move.