
Shadow Typhlosion

Lvl 50Max CP
Lvl 40
Lvl 25Weather Boost
Lvl 20Raids/Eggs
Lvl 15Research

PvE Analysis

Shadow Typhlosion is actually pretty good. It's a strong Fire Type attacker that has the potential to stand out above many other Fire Types thanks to a combination of Shadow boost, Incinerate, and Blast Burn.  It's not the best, but it's definitely good.

Best PvE Offensive Moveset

IncinerateIncinerate + Blast BurnBlast Burn*Best
  • Incinerate is superior to Ember, and is recommended to fulfill a Fire-type role. However, Ember is easier to dodge with. If used in Party Play, Ember will also charge up Party Power more quickly.

  • Shadow Claw has fun uses against Ghost and Psychic types, but it’s far from optimal.

  • Blast Burn, Shadow Typhlosion’s exclusive Community Day move, is the ideal Fire Type move. 

  • Overheat is the next best option, and outclasses Fire Blast in every way.

  • Solar Beam and Thunder Punch’s lack of STAB renders them underwhelming.

Best PvE Defensive Moveset

IncinerateIncinerate + Thunder PunchThunder Punch or Blast BurnBlast BurnBest
  • Incinerate is the best for defense due to its incredible base damage, not to mention STAB. It pairs best with Thunder Punch thanks to its counter-coverage and low energy cost. 

  • Shadow Claw is favored over Ember; both have identical defensive DPS, but the former has neutral coverage.

  • Blast Burn is generally worth considering defense due to it being a 2-bar move and high power, but it's definitely behind Thunder Punch most of the time.. 

  • Solar Beam is very slow on defense, but has coverage against Water, Rock, and Ground.

  • Overheat is superior to Fire Blast in all aspects, but neither offer additional coverage options.

PvP Analysis

IncinerateIncinerate + Blast BurnBlast Burn* and Thunder PunchThunder PunchBest

Incinerate is a very slow 5 turn fast move, but its greater energy gains compared to Ember are needed for Typhlosion's costly charge moves. Shadow Claw lacks STAB, but it can offer neutral damage when Fire-type attacks would typically be resisted, in addition to having a significantly faster animation than Incinerate. 

Blast Burn is one of the main features of Typhlosion, being one of the most powerful charge moves for PvP, but 50 energy cost isn't that cheap. If you don't have access to Blast Burn from Community Day, it's probably best to choose another Pokemon. Thunder Punch is Typhlosion's cheapest Charged Attack and provides it with coverage against Water-type Pokemon. Solar Beam is the only other consideration for Typhlosion since Blast Burn outperforms Fire Blast and Overheat. With an insanely high 80 energy requirement, you might not even use Solar Beam at all. 

Great League4 / 5

Typhlosion packs incredible potential thanks to the sheer power of its Incinerate and Blast Burn, further augmented by Thunder Punch's coverage and bait potential. It is rather fragile, however, so players must excel at shield and energy management to truly bring out its glorious sweeping abilities on full display. Players who seek for safer options may opt to run Skeledirge or Talonflame instead, but there's no denying that Typhlosion can be extremely rewarding in the right hands.

Shadow Typhlosion is often preferred to maximize its potential and further set itself apart from the aforementioned Fire-type Pokemon.

Ultra League3.5 / 5
Typhlosion enjoys having increased bulk in this league, but it no longer nukes enemies to the same extent that it could in Great League. The omnipresence of Giratina serves as a roadblock to its Fire + Electric coverage, further dampening its potential.
Master League1 / 5
While it can find some success in the Master Premier Cup, it has no place in the open Master League, where many Pokemon heavily outstat it.
Purification Cost
3 Candy + 3,000 Stardust
Flee Rate
5 %
Buddy Distance
3 KM
Catch Rate
5 %
Female Ratio
12.5 %
Male Ratio
87.5 %