Lvl 50Max CP
Lvl 40
Lvl 25Weather Boost
Lvl 20Raids/Eggs
Lvl 15Research

PvE Analysis

Without a high ATK stat, Infernape is outclassed by a lot of Fire-type Pokemon that we already have. While the addition of its Community Day move, Blast Burn, is an improvement, it's not enough to make up for its lack of stats. 

Best PvE Offensive Moveset

Fire Spin + Blast Burn*Best
  • Fire Spin is the better fast move with STAB and should be paired with Blast Burn.
  • Flamethrower is a downgrade, but at least it's not a legacy move. 
  • Rock Smash + Close Combat makes Infernape a Fighting attacker - a poor one.
  • Solar Beam and Close Combat are decent moves and are occasionally useful.

Best PvE Defensive Moveset

Rock Smash + Blast Burn* or FlamethrowerBest
  • Rock Smash is as damaging as Fire Spin in defense but has better counter coverage.
  • Flamethrower is 2-bar and has an early damage window, therefore is more likely to hit.
  • Blast Burn is somewhat easy to dodge, but being a 2-bar move lets it be used more often. 
  • Close Combat hits very early and is quite hard to dodge, if it gets used at all.
  • Solar Beam, despite being a good coverage move, has 1 bar and is easy to dodge.

PvP Analysis

Fire Spin + Blast Burn* and Close Combat

Fire Spin is preferred for its considerably better energy gains compared to Rock Smash, though both moves offer the same STAB damage output. 

Blast Burn is a legacy move obtained during Chimchar's Community Day, and is a direct upgrade over Flamethrower in both damage output and energy cost. If you don't have the former, then the latter is still okay for providing Fire-type coverage. Close Combat is Infernape's cheapest option; it has tremendous DPE, but it must be used carefully due to its self-debuff.

Great League1.5 / 5

Generally speaking, if you are looking for a Fire/Fighting Pokemon, Blaziken is superior as its damage output is far more consistent.

Ultra League1 / 5

Once again, Infernape has no place in the Ultra League due to holding no niche of its own.

Master League0 / 5
Once upon a time, this great monkey was part of Candela's Master League Team. Even she saw how useless it was and ditched it for an Entei (which still isn't great, but it's at least a major improvement)
Second Charge Move Cost
10,000 Stardust + 25 Candy
Flee Rate
Buddy Distance
3 KM
Catch Rate
Female Ratio
12.5 %
Male Ratio
87.5 %