Lvl 50Max CP
Lvl 40
Lvl 25Weather Boost
Lvl 20Raids/Eggs
Lvl 15Research

PvE Analysis

Just like the old war between Entei and Moltres, the same debate rages over Shadow Entei and Shadow Moltres. While undeniably better than their base formes, the difference in DPS, TDO, and typing makes it less than clear which is the superior Shadow. Either way, a solid Shadow Entei is a powerful ally in any raid in which Fire has an advantage.

Best PvE Offensive Moveset

Fire FangFire Fang + OverheatOverheatBest
  • Fire Fang's higher damage makes it the stronger option over Fire Spin, despite the latter's slightly higher EPS.

  • Overheat is strictly superior to Fire Blast.

  • Flamethrower is great for attacking gyms, since its damage is split into 2 bars.

  • Flame Charge has poor damage output, even as a 3-bar move. 

  • Iron Head has complementary coverage with Shadow Entei's fire-type fast moves against Ice types, but is easily outclassed on all fronts by all of Shadow Entei's other charged moves. 

  • Scorching Sands has no use on Shadow Entei.

PvP Analysis

Fire Spin is generally preferred over Fire Fang for its superior energy generation, despite the latter offering slightly more damage output. 

Flame Charge is recommended for its lesser energy cost, as well as its guaranteed +1 ATK buff, though its STAB damage isn't particularly impressive. Scorching Sands has great power and coverage alongside a chance of dropping the target's Attack, and also ties for the lowest energy cost among Entei's Charged Moves. Iron Head is Entei's only other coverage option, and ties for the least amount of energy among Entei's charge moves. Overheat has the potential for big nuke plays if unshielded, or hit-and-run plays when shields are up, though this is more risky. Fire Blast costs too much energy to be worthwhile. Flamethrower is inferior. 

Great League1 / 5

Entei is a mono-Fire type with average bulk in Great League. Unfortunately Fire-types aren't very valuable in this league due to the extremely popular usage of Water Pokemon. A somewhat cumbersome moveset also makes it difficult to choose when compared to other Fire-type Pokemon, which puts Entei in an awkward spot for its role. 

Ultra League1.5 / 5

As a Fire-type, Entei comfortably beats meta Fairy-types and most meta Steel-types. However, inconsistent struggles against Melmetal and losses against meta Psychic-types makes it difficult to justify Entei's use, especially when Giratina is so ubiquitous. 

Master League2 / 5

Like in the other leagues, Entei performs well against Fairy and Steel-types, but can struggle against the rest of the meta. Perhaps it's better to leave this hot dog on the bench.

Purification Cost
20 Candy + 20,000 Stardust
Flee Rate
4 %
Buddy Distance
20 KM
Catch Rate
2 %
Female Ratio
Male Ratio