
PvE Analysis
Slurpuff is a cute addition to Pokemon Go, but not too sweet for the meta due to its low stats. Its moveset makes it more appealing to use for PvP, and at the very least it has access to a Fairy-type fast move.
Best PvE Offensive Moveset
Charm or Fairy Wind + Play Rough | Best |
- Charm and Fairy Wind are extremely close. The former has a tiny DPS advantage, while the latter has superior flexibility.
- Tackle is bad.
- Play Rough outperforms Draining Kiss on offense.
- Flamethrower and Energy Ball don't have much use for a Fairy Pokemon on offense.
Best PvE Defensive Moveset
Charm + Flamethrower | Best |
- Charm is a great move for defense thanks to its high base power.
- Fairy Wind has pathetic damage output on defense.
- Tackle is still bad.
- Flamethrower is the best charge move for defense due to its coverage against Slurpuff's weakness to Steel-types.
- Play Rough hits harder than Draining Kiss on defense, with similar dodge timings.
- Energy Ball is too slow for defense.
PvP Analysis
Charm + Flamethrower and Energy Ball or Play Rough |
Charm takes advantage of STAB to deal significant damage, though its energy generation is the lowest in the game. Fairy Wind offers an option to sacrifice damage output in favor of energy generation, but Slurpuff's Charge Moves are all moderately costly to use. Tackle is a poor move.
Flamethrower is a useful coverage move that's valuable against common Steel-types in the meta, though its moderate energy cost makes it difficult to access. Energy Ball isn't particularly valuable against Slurpuff's weaknesses, but Grass-type coverage is welcome in a meta that consists of common Water-types. Play Rough is considerably stronger than Draining Kiss at the cost of 5 more energy, and hits hard with STAB but doesn't provide any additional coverage.
Great League | / 5 |
Slurpuff's performance is comparable to that of Clefable and Aromatisse, with almost identical bulk and similar access timings to charge moves. Fairy-typing can be valuable against common Fighting-types, Dark-types, and Dragon-types (mostly Altaria), though Slurpuff's poor energy generation and costly charge moves makes it difficult to apply shield pressure compared to other meta Pokemon. Slurpuff's high damage output from its fast moves can allow it to win matchups against opponents with poor bulk, which is more emphasized when Slurpuff can utilize both shields. | |
Ultra League | / 5 |
Slurpuff requires XL candy to perform optimally in Ultra League, making this Pokemon rather expensive to prep for this format. Due to the greater CP cap of this league, Pokemon generally have access to more bulk, which means there are fewer squishy opponents for Slurpuff to beat down with Charm. Clefable by comparison generally performs better here due to its slightly superior bulk, and actually wins against Slurpuff in an even fight by only using fast moves. Overall Slurpuff is somewhat of a downgrade compared to other Charmers, but still viable for the Fairy-type role. | |
Master League | / 5 |
Slurpuff would be a delicious treat for the Pokemon competing in Master League. Dragonite still loses if Hurricane is shielded, but Garchomp can go straight Earthquake to win the 0-shield and 1-shield fight. |