Lvl 50Max CP
Lvl 40
Lvl 25Weather Boost
Lvl 20Raids/Eggs
Lvl 15Research

PvE Analysis

Escavalier shares similar typings and roles with other Bug-types, and it's among the handful of Bugs that have additional Steel-type resistances. While its typing and diverse moveset might be valuable for PvP, its unimpressive ATK stat and moveset for raids and gyms leaves it mostly a Dex entry outside of Trainer Battles. It's not the most amazing Pokemon for gym defense either, partly due to its lack of stats. 

Best PvE Offensive Moveset

Bug Bite + MegahornBest
  • Bug Bite is the superior pick on offense, and gets STAB.
  • Counter is actually quite a strong move, but lacks synergy for Escavalier's role.
  • Megahorn is Escavalier's best charge move, and fulfills its Bug-type role.
  • Drill Run is okay, but lacks STAB and would be better used by Ground-type Pokemon.
  • Aerial Ace is pretty bad.
  • Acid Spray is entirely a PvP move. 

Best PvE Defensive Moveset

Counter + Aerial Ace or Drill RunBest
  • Counter hits a lot harder on defense, and provides decent coverage.
  • Bug Bite gets STAB, but its base power is a lot lower. 
  • Aerial Ace as a 3-bar move can be used most frequently. 
  • Drill Run provides coverage against Escavalier's only weakness to Fire-type Pokemon that don't fly. 
  • Megahorn hits the hardest on defense, but Escavalier might faint before it can use it. 
  • Acid Spray is meant for PvP. 

PvP Analysis

Counter + Aerial Ace and Drill Run or Megahorn

Counter is generally more valuable as it provides relevant coverage, superior damage output, and better energy generation than Bug Bite. 

Aerial Ace costs the least amount of energy, though 45 isn't exactly cheap either, and enables Escavalier to wall opposing Grass and Bug-types. Drill Run provides wide coverage, including against Escavalier's only weakness to Fire Pokemon. Megahorn benefits from STAB to deal considerable damage, though its coverage may be more niche.

Great League3 / 5

Escavalier looks like a tough no-nonsense type of Pokemon, with high offensive stats and a unique moveset. Access to the powerful Counter fast move lets Escavalier stand out from its competitors as one of the few Bug or Steel Pokemon with a Fighting-type fast move. Interesting choices in charge move options give Escavalier a lot of plays against various opponents, with Drill Run covering its only weakness against Fire-type Pokemon that don't fly. Unfortunately very poor bulk prevents it from enduring prolonged battles.

Ultra League4 / 5

Escavalier's coverage against common Dark and Steel Pokemon in addition to Psychics (with Megahorn) gives it a niche in the Ultra League meta. While its bulk isn't exactly impressive by any means, its coverage against a variety of Pokemon can often make up for this. Unfortunately, it struggles significantly against Giratina. 

Master League1 / 5

With a max CP of 3266, Escavalier lacks sufficient stats to compete well in Master League. Its coverage against the meta is still quite valuable though, with possible wins against top picks thanks to its moveset. However, Escavalier struggles to win prolonged fights due to its poor bulk, and will lose to opposing Pokemon with faster movesets like Melmetal. 

Second Charge Move Cost
50,000 Stardust + 50 Candy
Flee Rate
10 %
Buddy Distance
3 KM
Catch Rate
12.5 %
Female Ratio
Male Ratio