Mega Medicham Raid Guide

Stamina: 9,000 | Attack: 205 | Defense: 155 |
CP Range
Level 20: | 1355 - 1425 |
Level 25, Weather Boosted: | 1693 - 1782 |
Move Difficulty
Easy | |
Intermediate | |
Challenging |
Psycho Cut is not particularly dangerous. When used by a Raid Boss, it comes out too infrequently to make up for its low power. Dynamic Punch and Power-Up Punch are solid when used by Raid Bosses, but literally all of Mega Medicham's counter-types resist or double-resist Fighting Type moves, so they're not super threatening in this case. Counter is a bit more challenging to face despite the aforementioned resistances due to its higher base power, but it's not exceptionally dangerous. Finally, Ice Punch poses a real threat to Medicham's Flying Type counters, and even deals at least neutral damage to the majority of its Ghost and Fairy Type counters. It comes out frequently, making it a particularly threatening move to face down.
Mega Medicham is really nothing special. It's competing in two of the best types in the game, and it's woefully under-powered to be worthwhile in both. It can work if you don't have better options, but in general it's a dex filler and nothing more.
Team Building Approach
Mega Medicham is weak to Flying, Ghost, and Fairy
- Flying is arguably the single biggest weakness that a Raid Boss can have, if only due to the sheer power of Mega Rayquaza. It's an outstanding type that pretty much always stands at the top of the list when on even footing.
- Ghost is another hard-hitting type, bolstered by Mega Rayquaza and Dawn Wings Necrozma. It definitely puts in work, and can be exceptional in its own right.
- Fairy falls short of the competition, though the top Fairy Types tend to have outstanding resistances for this raid.
Best Raid Counters
Supreme Mega Evolution Counters
Good Mega Evolution Counters
Supreme Counters