
PvE Analysis
Palkia's got the stats to be one of the better non-Shadow/Mega Dragon Type attackers. Unfortunately, Draco Meteor holds it back from being anywhere near Rayquaza's damage output. No Water-type fast moves also make it unviable as a Water-type attacker. It still holds its own against similar Dragon-types and should be considered in the same manner as Dragonite and Salamence. It tends to rank as a good counter against many Dragon types, but it may not be the strongest general dragon-type legendary investment.
Despite being slightly below the top now, Palkia can potentially look forward to a brighter future, as in the main series it has a dragon-type special move called Spacial Rend...
...which was given to its strictly superior Origin Forme in Pokemon GO. That said, should Palkia get this move, it'll still be an incredible Dragon attacker. It's just that it will live forever in the shadow of itself.
Best PvE Offensive Moveset
Dragon Tail + Draco Meteor | Best |
- Dragon Breath is generally inferior to Dragon Tail. However Dragon Breath does charge up Party Power more quickly, which can make it a better option in a 2-man party.
- Palkia is best suited for Draco Meteor for STAB and effectiveness against other Dragons.
- Hydro Pump hits harder than Fire Blast.
- Aqua Tail is the inferior choice.
PvP Analysis
Dragon Breath + Aqua Tail and Draco Meteor or Fire Blast |
Dragon Tail has slightly better stats on paper, but Dragon Breath is easier to use and benefits significantly more from certain breakpoints.
The addition of Aqua Tail following the April 29, 2020 update gives Palkia a much needed charge move that costs significantly less energy than its options, which lets it bait shields or apply more consistent damage. Draco Meteor or Fire Blast are both viable as the second charge move option; the former takes advantage of STAB to deal massive damage to almost every Pokemon in the game, while the latter threatens Steel Pokemon that would resist Dragon-type moves.
Great League | |
Palkia's CP is too high to enter the Great League | |
Ultra League | |
Palkia has virtually no use in the Ultra League due to its restricted CP and lack of solid niches. | |
Master League | |
Unfortunately, base Palkia is strictly outclassed by its own Origin Forme. Base form Palkia was once a solid choice for the Master League, and in Season 17 - Timeless Travels, it became an excellent response to the rise of Fire-, Ground-, and Ice-type Pokemon and attacks that resulted from the season's buffs. Kyogre also became indirectly prominent, and Palkia stopped that in its tracks. Palkia's longer history in the Master League had its series of ups and downs - competition for a team slot against other Dragon-type choices were fierce, and its Water subtyping defined whether it would be in the meta or not. At times, it found itself struggling when Rayquaza or Dragonite were prominent, and competing with Zygarde for a teamslot was also challenging. But from time to time, it gained clearly defined niches, and it became a strong metagame threat whenever it happened. At the peak of Palkia's viability, it was suddenly knocked off its course when its own Origin Forme was released. Palkia-O has strictly superior stats, access to the same attacks, as well as a more reliable Dragon-type attack in Spacial Rend that Palkia craved for so long. Palkia instantly went from hero to zero, and there is now absolutely no reason to use it if you want to win. Palkia now awaits for a move update to become somewhat relevant again, but since its base moveset is already quite strong, there isn't too much Niantic can add to make it good again. Perhaps something like Breaking Swipe can make it worth running again. Palkia now finds its home in niche, unofficial formats such as Draft or a point-based teambuilding format. Casting its Origin Forme aside, Palkia is still a strong Pokemon and demands respect. But in any format when either Forme can be used without a higher cost for one, Palkia-O is superior in literally every single competitive metric. |