Lvl 50Max CP
Lvl 40
Lvl 25Weather Boost
Lvl 20Raids/Eggs
Lvl 15Research

PvE Analysis

Tapu Lele is the second of the Tapu quartet to be released into Pokemon Go, and... it's not doing a whole lot, frankly. Psychic/Fairy is a solid typing overall, but it's woefully outclassed as a Psychic Type attacker. As it sits, Tapu Lele has a performance very similar to a Psychic Type, non-Shadow Gardevoir, which makes its investment iffy at best.

The release of Nature's Madness actually turns Tapu Lele into a respectable choice for a Fairy attacker thanks to the move's own incredible parameters.

In the main series, Tapu Lele can learn Charm. If it gets that someday in Pokemon GO, Tapu Lele can push even further as a Fairy attacker.

Best PvE Offensive Moveset

Confusion + Future Sight, Psyshock, or Nature's MadnessBest
  • Confusion is the best Fast Attack choice when pairing it with a Psychic-type Charged Attack, turning Tapu Lele into an acceptable Psychic attacker.
  • Astonish lacks direct synergy with its Charged Attacks, but it does offer a higher energy gain. It can sometimes be a superior option to Confusion when paired with Nature's Madness, especially if the raid boss resists Confusion.
  • Nature's Madness, the signature move of the Guardian Deities, is very strong and allows Tapu Lele to become a respectable Fairy attacker despite lacking a Fairy-type Fast Attack.
  • Future Sight has the theoretical highest DPS, though Psyshock is only slightly behind and is better in practice
  • Moonblast is severely outclassed by Nature's Madness.
  • Focus Blast is the worst charged move option.

PvP Analysis

Astonish + Nature's Madness* and Psyshock

Repeated buffs to Astonish has now made it one of the best Fast Attacks in the game, boasting both high damage and good energy generation. Astonish also provides crucial Ghost-type coverage, pairing well with Tapu Lele's Nature's Madness. Confusion is outclassed by Astonish

Nature's Madness is Tapu Lele's primary weapon, dealing good Fairy-type damage at a moderate cost. It also provides a Defense debuff so that Astonish's damage can become oppressive in longer fights. Psyshock is Tapu Lele's cheapest Charged Attack, pacing significantly faster than Nature's Madness. Focus Blast can delete unsuspecting Steel-type Pokemon, though it is very unreliable due to its extreme cost. Future Sight can provide surprising burst damage against some Fire- and Poison-type Pokemon, though it is rarely better than Psyshock. Moonblast is a solid move, but Tapu Lele often already deals enough Fairy-type damage through Nature's Madness alone.

Great League

Tapu Lele's CP is too high to be used in Great League.

Ultra League

Tapu Lele's frailty and inability to reliably fire off Nature's Madness betray the potential usefulness of its secondary Fairy typing. Other Psychic-type contenders should be considered before looking into Tapu Lele, such as Cresselia and Malamar.

Master League

Tapu Lele is a potent Fairy-type Pokemon characterized by its unique playstyle and good coverage, and is a splendid choice for a generalist. On top of countering Dragon-type Pokemon like any other Fairy-type Pokemon in the game, Tapu Lele's combination of Astonish and Nature's Madness is a challenging combination to wall. Even common Fairy-type answers such as Dusk Mane Necrozma, Landorus-T, and Ho-Oh can find themselves being overwhelmed by Tapu Lele in an extended fight. Although Tapu Lele lacks the spamminess of Florges and the consistency of Charmers, it combines elements of both playstyles to define its own identity.

Tapu Lele is rather fragile and demands shields. Its Psychic-type also makes its Yveltal matchup extremely awkward, especially in the 2-shield. For these reasons, Tapu Lele doesn't slot into teams as easily as other Fairy-type Pokemon.

Second Charge Move Cost
100,000 Stardust + 100 Candy
Flee Rate
Buddy Distance
20 KM
Catch Rate
Female Ratio
Male Ratio