
PvE Analysis
Initially introduced as a reward from the PvP side of Pokemon Go through its base evolution Rufflet, Braviary is unfortunately mostly a dex entry. Its unimpressive ATK stat and disappointing moveset leaves it little opportunity to shine in the raid/gym attacker scene, especially when much more powerful Pokemon already exist. On gym defense, its Normal sub-typing results in neutral damage from Fighting-type attacks rather than resisted damage, which doesn't help to discourage popular attackers.
Best PvE Offensive Moveset
Air Slash + Fly | Best |
- Air Slash is recommended due to STAB and synergy with Braviary's role.
- Steel Wing is a downgrade, TM this.
- Fly is a very strong Flying Type move, and Braviary's best option
- Brave Bird has the silver medal
- Rock Slide is flexible as a 2-bar, but other Pokemon are better Rock-type attackers.
- Heat Wave doesn't have much use on offense.
- Close Combat is a decent move, but doesn't suit Braviary.
Best PvE Defensive Moveset
Steel Wing or Air Slash + Rock Slide, or Fly | Best |
- Air Slash hits harder on defense with STAB, but doesn't provide any coverage.
- Steel Wing has inferior stats on defense, but can hurt Rock-type and Ice-type attackers.
- Rock Slide is favorable for defense due to it being a 2-bar move.
- Fly is a solid option, out-pacing Brave Bird on defense most of the time.
- Close Combat is relatively the same, but at least its coverage is more meaningful.
- Heat Wave is the slowest Charged Move in Braviary's arsenal
PvP Analysis
Air Slash + Rock Slide and Brave Bird or Close Combat | Best |
Air Slash gets STAB and sports superior energy generation compared to Steel Wing.
Rock Slide is Braviary's primary charge move due to its lesser energy cost, respectable damage output, and relevant coverage, especially against its weaknesses to Ice and Rock-type Pokemon. Close Combat can also be chosen for its very high damage output and valuable coverage. Brave Bird doesn't get much as use, but benefits from STAB to deal considerable damage. Heat Wave costs too much energy to be viable.
Great League | |
Braviary is the second Pokemon to be introduced exclusively through Pokemon Go's PvP feature, Go Battle League, via its pre-evolution Rufflet. Unfortunately unimpressive bulk is the primary reason why it's held back from reaching the meta, as it can cause Braviary to lose certain matchups even with a typing advantage. Air Slash + | |
Ultra League | |
Braviary's Normal typing can be useful in the Ultra League due to Pokemon with common Ghost-type moves such as Shadow Claw. Its fragility is still a major problem though, with many of its losses being attributed to it being outsped by Pokemon with faster movesets, or simply due to many meta Pokemon possessing superior bulk. Braviary's Flying typing isn't particularly valuable in this league, but its access to Rock Slide can be good against Fire-types meant to fight ubiquitious Steel-types. | |
Master League | |
With a max CP of 3491, Braviary would appreciate additional stats to compete better against the numerous legendary Pokemon in this league. To add more salt to the wound, Braviary's typing and moveset is of little use when combating the Master League meta, especially when other Pokemon can do its job more cleanly. |