
Mega Absol Raid Guide

Best Counters to Mega Absol
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Attack: 314Defense: 130Stamina: 9,000

CP Range

Level 20Level 25, Weather Boosted
1370 - 14431712 - 1805

Move Difficulty

Snarl, post-STAB is not threatening considering almost all of its counters resist Dark. Same goes for Dark Pulse and Payback. Psycho Cut lack STAB and overall raw power to even threaten any Fighting Types. Lastly, for the Easy category there is Megahorn. It can hit quite hard, but is rather easy to dodge and is also resisted by most top counters.

For the Intermediate category there is Thunder. It has good neutral coverage against almost all of its counters, but is fairly easy to dodge and it won't be one-shotting anything.

Unfortunatly for Mega Absol, but good for us is that it doesn't carry any Hard moves.


Being overshadowed by Mega Tyranitar ever since it got access to Brutal Swing, Mega Absol was forgotten by most players... Until now! It's getting access to Brutal Swing, making it have better DPS that the current Dark Type king, though it doesn't reach the same level of TDO. Meaning you will have to determine which metric you value more. Overall, it brings some very welcome competition to the Dark Type meta.

As a raid boss... It's not quite as impressive. It has paper-thin defences making it a comfortable raid boss to take down on your own, lacking a good movepool to throw any curveballs.

Team Building Approach

  • Mega Absol is weak to Fighting, Fairy and Bug.
    • Fighting is by far the go to type here, resisting most of Absol's movepool.
    • Fairy is a bit of a lackluster type, it has SOME great counters, but those are very limited.
    • Bug is trying its best to compete with the other types here, but it's still Bug...

Best Counters

Supreme Counters

Slap together a team of any of these counters and you're good to solo Absol. It really should't be that hard to take down.

Good Counters

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