Cobalion Raid Guide

Stamina: 15,000 | Attack: 192 | Defense: 229 |
CP Range
Level 20 | Level 25, Weather Boosted |
1649 - 1727 | 2061 - 2159 |
Move Difficulty
Easy | Intermediate | Hard |
Metal Claw isn't very threatening here. It's resisted by all of Cobalion's best counters and doesn't hit very hard, even with STAB. It's pretty much a tickle. Iron Head hits harder and is Cobalion's only multi-bar Charged Move, but it suffers from the same resistance issue as Metal Claw.
Zen Headbutt has good neutral coverage and hits most of Cobalion's Fighting Type counters hard. Close Combat packs a major punch that can threaten a lot of Cobalion's would-be counters, but it comes out infrequently enough that it's not an apex threat. Stone Edge is a mixed bag. It can be a one-hit KO against many Fire Types, but it won't do much to most Fighting Types, especially Mega Lucario.
Double Kick provides consistent high damage output that hits most of Cobalion's counters for at least neutral damage, making it potentially threatening.
Ah, Cobalion.... Terrakion-lite/Lucario-lite. It can work, but it's overall not really worth a whole lot in Pokemon Go.... unless you're running the Ultra League, which is where it shines brightest.
Team Building Approach
Cobalion is weak to Fighting, Ground and Fire.
- Fighting has Mega Lucario. End of story.
- Fire is the overall strongest type outside of Mega Evolutions.
- Ground has some strong options, but overall tends to fall behind.
Best Counters
Cobalion is a pretty easy duo, especially given the raw power of the top Mega Evolution options. Just run some of the top options, get some help from a friend, and obliterate this poor thing.
Supreme Counters

Mega Lucario.... wow. Fighting is one of the worst weaknesses for a raid boss to have.... as is Fire. Ground isn't great either. Yeah; most of these top counters absolutely eat this thing alive.
Good Counters