Shadow Dialga Raid Guide

Stamina: 205 | Attack: 275 | Defense: 211 |
CP Range
Level 20 | Level 25, Weather Boosted |
2217 - 2307 | 2771 - 2884 |
Move Difficulty
Easy | Intermediate | Hard |
- |
Dragon Breath and Metal Claw are practically identical in this raid, as the counters that resist one tend to resist the other. Neither is particularly threatening in this raid.
Thunder comes out hard and is notoriously hard to dodge. It WOULD be classed as hard here, but the top Ground Types really don't care about it. Iron Head comes out frequently, but it's not outstandingly strong. Draco Meteor is a nuke that will tend to obliterate or at least maim anything that tanks it, but it's also not terribly difficult to dodge.
While not quite on a par with Shadow Palkia, Shadow Dialga's generally superior typing makes it a strong all-around option when facing down Dragons, and a solid Steel Type unto itself. It's going to take a bit of work to get this dragon of time to take a knee, but its weaknesses prey on it pretty hard.
Team Building Approach
Dialga is only weak to Fighting and Ground.
- Fighting tends to pull ahead on the whole, sporting the best Mega Evolution and non-Mega counters.
- Ground is still great in its own right, but it falls behind a bit.
Best Raid Counters
Supreme Counters
Shadow Dialga is a relatively comfortable duo if you're running enough Purified Gems. Tackle it with more players if you're running low.

The top counters to Shadow Dialga can SERIOUSLY wreck this raid. In particular, the best of the best here have a huge mix of DPS and TDO that can score tremendous amounts of damage while also surviving for a very long time.
Good Counter

Do we expect Shadow Dialga Raids?
I believe Shadow Dialga will be just next Giovanni Pokemon.